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Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland



I don't know why but I got to thinking about the game and finally got in touch with someone who might help me make my dream of releasing a Game Gear game come true. This inspired me to take a look at the sequel I began work on a month ago. I changed a few things that were bothering me about it. So now the title screen looks like this:


I have to think up of another locale for the hamburger to fly to. 6 more, in fact. I figured out how to make the score tiles different colors. I don't get the values, though. For some reason, this makes them black:

       ld hl,$c022
       call vrampr
       ld hl,%11000000    
       ld bc,1
       call vramwr


       ld hl,$c023
       call vrampr
       ld hl,%11111111  
       ld bc,1
       call vramwr

It's really interesting how my mind can actually make different games for different consoles in different computer languages. I guess I'm bilingual. I would like a physical copy of my game.

I'm having troubles, though. Sometimes this game compiles but when I go to test it it won't work. But I got this to work. I'll probably keep having this problem with this game. I was trying to free up a little space in the bank that has the game code, so I moved some stuff around. It didn't help much. And it broke the game. So I have to keep trying different things until I can get it to work again.


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