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Elevator Events: Day 2



Another day, another work session. I don't know why the elevators appear as lines (I was trying to make a solid rectangle), but since it looks like an Elevators Amiss elevator (and I don't know how to change it), I'm keeping it in.


I had to slow down the elevators sometimes since they were moving too fast sometimes. Whenever left or right are not pressed, they went faster. So to compensate for that, I added some unnecessary code for it to mull through so it slows down whenever he's not moving. He was blinking an awful lot though, I fixed that in version 6 which I'll post later. I did manage to get 6 elevators in the game though. I don't think I have room for 7. It's a tight squeeze for the 6 already in there. I noticed on my TV the extreme left and right sides don't display so I am trying not to put anything there.


Stuff on my to-do list for this include:

  • putting in a score. I need to play Elevators Amiss so I can know how the score works for this.
  • make it so the elevators appear at random y positions each time you start. Since e5frog talked about adding a RNG in my game, I am hoping I can do this.
  • have fewer elevators appear on the earlier levels.
  • making the speed of the elevators change depending on level number.


So here's what the game looks like now:


I did manage to get the game to look fairly decent while it's running. It's 4 a.m. as I'm writing this. I woke up at 11:30pm after going to bed at 2pm. I need to be back to a normal person's sleeping habits by Christmas. I wish we could just hold the present opening here, but no. I have to go over to my sister's house. I was just there Thanksgiving. It's not that I don't like the house, it's that it's away from mine.

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