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Lord of the Flies



I found this SD card laying on my desk. I wondered what was on it. So I looked at it on my computer. Just some old Game Boy game files. This is what prompted me to begin making a new Game Boy game. It's called "Flies." Remember that Mario Paint game where you swat at flies? That's this. All I have so far is a title screen with some music. I discovered I had a Frank the Fruit Fly demo for Game Boy on my computer, so I'm using that to build on.


I think Game Gear games are prettier, don't you? They're so much more colorful. Too bad there weren't as many. Think of what Super Mario Land 2 would be like if it had full color. Anyway, I made a copyright symbol. I added it after Z. I use the left bracket in a print statement to print it. The only sprite (and thing moving) on the title screen is the fly. Its flapping it's wings. I was working on a game about bananas, but this one is going to be better I think. By the way, the "0" at the bottom is the score.


In the Mario Paint game, it's not just flies. There's also bees that sting your hand if you come in contact with it and make you lose a life. I plan to add that in. (Well, I do need something to cause a game over scenario.) I keep wanting to type "files" instead of "flies." Perhaps one day this year, a finished version of this will join MidSpace and Yum in the Game Boy games I made collection.


I sleep all day. And I have to go to the doctor at 9 a.m. Tuesday morning and get my annual blood test done. I think they hate me because I have no veins and they usually have a hard time even if I tell them to get the blood to test out of my hands. Another thing about it is I have to fast. 12 hours before the blood is drawn, no food. I love food.


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