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Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2 - level 3



Work on level 3 has begun.


As you can see, I finally managed to guess the correct combination to display black numbers. I need to apply this to the title screen as well. At first it displayed black, but then changed to blue for some mysterious reason. I had a horrible time trying to figure out why the onion rings weren't showing up. The answer: I never told them to. They would have if I started the game on level 2 and then beat it and went to level 3. Since I started the game on level 3 though, the code never ran into a point where I told it to. I really want to work on Frank the Fruit Fly some more, but I'm idealess for the time being so I can't.


If you played the first game, you may know that the white milkshakes (vanilla) always shoot onion rings out. I'm debating whether I should start the vanilla ones later in the game to make it more easier. Like have them show up beginning in level 4 as a random option and then by the time you hit level 7, it's all vanilla milkshakes all the time. I think I'll go ahead and do that. In the first game, level 3 was all vanilla milkshakes, so I think that may have had an impact on how hard the game ramps up the difficulty. Fortunately though, I was able to make the onion rings disappear if the fry touched them.


Level 3 is in the desert. Which is why there's pyramids and sand in it. It is really hard to make a level using only 15 colors. So here's what I want to do:

- level 1: all strawberry milkshakes

- level 2: all chocolate milkshakes

- level 3: a mix of strawberry and chocolate.

- level 4: a mix of strawberry, chocolate, and a small chance of vanilla

- level 5: a mix of strawberry, chocolate, and a bigger chance of vanilla

- level 6: a mix of chocolate and vanilla

- level 7: all vanilla milkshakes


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