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Bert's pick up lines...



...of code. Today I put in a lot. I fixed the problem I was having with the box. And I put in some code that when you press the key left of 0, Bert will turn around and pick up the box (if he's near it.) I originally had his head facing backwards when you went to pick up the box, but that was creepy. The plan is to have 5 x positions Bert can be at. 3 in front of the separate bins, and 2 for picking up boxes. Sort of like Big Bird's Egg Catch. This means that there will be a total of 2 possible x positions for the box to get at. And the button to the right of 0 will have Bert drop the item in the bin. Here is Bert picking up an item.


Except he can't yet.


I am having a terrible time with the reset switch. I can't make it work right. And eventually the box will be one of three colors (red, yellow, blue). I picked a lovely shade of brown for now. The wall is needed because the box needs something to land on. I tried importing some code from the Killer Bees 2600 game I did for the resetting where it worked, but surprise THIS game hates it and refuses to work. Perhaps it's because I'm using the Kid's Controller? I don't know. What's next is Bert actually moving around. Pushing 7 for left and 9 for right is the plan for that.


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