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Zyx collection #2 possible



I will make a Zyx collection #2 under the two following conditions:

  • My computer doesn't die (it turned 4 last April)
  • I think of enough ideas (I only have 1 so far.)


I'm sorry I was the way I was in my last entry. It just kind of angered me that I didn't know the reason why ggn decided to abandon all that 6 years of hard work. I also hate surprises. I like to plan things out and have them be the way I expect them, so anything that throws a wrench in my plans is stupid and evil.

I'm still working on the first Zyx. A thing I introduced made the thing go all wacko and crap and so I had to go to sleep with a broken game (for the umpteenth time). But I fixed it this morning and can go back to work on it.


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