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Last night I actually did something I should be proud of. Instead of putting it off until who knows when like I normally do with things I think about doing, this time I actually did it. I played my Atari 2600. What game? Chetiry. Either the game goes really fast or I need a different controller. I started on level 9 because 0 is too slow and the points are too low. And I kept messing up at times placing the pieces which doesn't really help in a game like this. I was surprised the A music was used because I thought it was trademarked by The Tetris Company. Oh well.


And I also went back to work on MidSpace. I thought of a new title screen I wanted to do, but it seems to be horizontally off center a little. I spent a long time working on it last night. I didn't get to sleep until after midnight.


But at the very least, it's more colorful now. And this morning I played it on a real Atari 2600 just to make sure it works on it. Good thing I did because I discovered a bug that's not on an emulator. But I think I fixed it, so that's good. This latest build (v. 36) has 1 byte left. And just for fun, try switching the Color/B&W from Color to B&W. I did that just because I could. And also, there's an Easter egg in the game, which was also hard to put in, but I did. But I don't think anyone will ever see it unless they happen to carefully study the source code. I got 10 hours of sleep because I woke up at 10 a.m. Instead of my usual 15 hours I've been getting.


All of this goes to show you that whether you're making or playing a game on it, the Atari 2600 is a very cool machine. Hence my username.


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