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more Quiz Wiz stuff



A box full of Quiz Wiz stuff came today. Four of the booklets I got did not have matching cartridges. But anyway, I did get 13 new to me cartridges and books. And, yes, another console. This one is different. This one is gray. I'm figuring this is a later model since the later cartridges were also gray. I was asleep for most of the morning. I got up at 9 a.m. and was still sleepy so I went back to sleep on the couch. And woke up at noon. It's almost 1 p.m. as I'm writing this. I really need to get back to work on my Quiz Wiz cartridge. I have another package I bought that will be coming soon, but there will be less stuff in it. And I now have a bunch of duplicate cartridges. I want to sell them but I don't know if anyone will buy them.


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Chris, I may be interested some of the spares you have. The attached pics show my two variations and what carts / boxes I have. The cardboard mailer box goes with the #3. All the carts have their manuals.  Somewhere I also have some of the later Tiger versions.

qUIZ wIZ 1.jpg

qUIZ wIZ 2.jpg

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Wow! That's the really old Coleco Quiz Wiz, not the newer one Tiger made in the 1990's. Now I'm wondering if the two are related somehow, or if Tiger just used the name not knowing Coleco used it before.

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