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My head and right eye hurt last night so I went to bed at about 10 p.m. I woke up at 2 a.m. with me feeling better, so I had a midnight snack and worked a little on Uncle Hairy's Nosehair some more. Apparently the quick fix for the jumping issue wasn't really one. One of my "things I wanted for the game" item on the list screwed it up. But it worked out okay in the end I think. The thing I am talking about is having the difficulty switches only change when the game hasn't begun yet. If you started with the left difficulty switch on A and then mid-game changed it to B, it used to react to that. I'm not sure how something like Combat would react to that, but I changed it so now if you did that, it still acts as though it was in A position until the game ends before switching to the B mode in the next game.


This fix for the difficulty switches, however, puts me at 0 bytes left. I have had this game be 0 bytes left before, but I don't think there's anything else I can add to the game, so I guess I'll call it done unless a bug pops up. It took an extra hour or so to make the scanline count be a steady 262. Then, at about 4:30 a.m. I went back to bed. It took about a half hour for me to go back to sleep (that's usual) and got three more hours of needed sleep.


I also found a way to get sharper images using Stella. I don't know, it seems like this should be the default setting: no interpolation and no correction of aspect ratio. That makes for no blurriness.


All I had to do was reduce this image size by half, Stella makes really huge screenshots for some reason.


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