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Odyssey² news



The Jack and the Beanstalk problem has been fixed. I still don't know what it was. I also took some time and worked on Tunnels of Terror some more. It took a few hours, but I finally added in a new enemy that is always on the screen. So now there are two enemies on the screen instead of just one. Hopefully this will make the game better. I've used up 1,719 bytes in bank 0 (the bank the game is in) out of 2,048 so all that's left to do is bug fixes (if there are any needed to be fixed.) I think the game now is definitely harder now, since all my play testing through today hasn't gotten me to Wave 4 yet. I guess I'll need to cheat and start the game at wave 4 just to see what happens.


Speaking of cheating, I thought of a new idea that I can't do for the Odyssey². A Game Genie device would be perfect for this console! You could type the codes in with the keyboard, and the codes would be printed on the screen with the characters.


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