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Uncle Hairy appears on Odyssey²



"Here's a thought," I asked myself last night. "Why not attempt to make a version of Uncle Hairy for the Odyssey²?" I could not for the life of me get the scrolling of the hair (which is the grid) correct. And what I had to do since the grid can't grow by one pixel, is cover up the fact that the grid is growing only by 12 pixels (?) at a time instead of 1. Make it look like it's gradually growing. But I eventually, earlier today, got the thing going good.


But how to make it look like it's growing one pixel? I tried putting a character to cover up the grid, but that didn't work since I couldn't get the character to be the same color as the background. I swear I did that somehow in a previous project, but it didn't want to cooperate now. So I put in a nosehair pulling demon. This demon will always be there, pulling the nosehair.


So how would one cut the nosehair? I'm thinking of having the scissors only be only 6 y positions, with movement like that of the ship in Tunnels of Terror. The scissors will be sprite 1, the other demon sprite 2 and finally, the box is sprite 3. What I have now is 511 bytes, though, with most of it being taken up by the score displaying code. I'm not 100% sure I can do this in just 2 kb, but the score code is already in the game, so that 's one less thing to worry about.


I tried this on a real Odyssey² and it works good, except for the fact that the background appears more purple than the hot pink it looks like in the picture. I didn't really want it to be hot pink, though, so I was pleased with that. The tweezers the pulling demon is using is the letter Y. I think the Odyssey² with its "one life then done" games, seeing how this is like that, is a good fit for the nosehair game.


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