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black and white burgers (part 21)



Lots of changes to talk about.

  • upped the amount of milkshakes you need to shoot from 50 to 100...
  • ...because I cut the amount of levels. I only needed 6. I had 7 drawn. So which one to cut? An easy choice. I didnt like the city level I drew at all. So I axed it.
  • I decided to make the game endless, a play until you die game. Otherwise, what would be the point of the score?
  • I added the last junk food projectile. It's candy. It's a w&w.wcandy.png.7d456e15a039dbb068f6497d7aa5c324.png (kind of like an m&m, only... not. It welts in your mouth, not in your hand.)

I decided I like Burger King's Whopper better than the Carl's Jr. Famous Star. When we got back home after the post office, the car told us that the battery in the keychain was getting low. So apparently we had to drive all the way to the dealership. I had to eat my burger I just got in the car. I took a bite. Not really hot, but it was either eat the thing or throw it away. So I ate it. It was very yummy and had lots of condiments on it. Then I got home and worked on this burger game. So I'm having a very burger-y day today.


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