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UFO/Sea Monster/Break It Down/Rebuild/Shoot



UFO/Sea Monster/Break It Down/Rebuild/Shoot (APF MP1000, 1978)


I'll say one thing about this cartridge: it has motion.


Getting decent screenshots of any of the games on this cart was impossible for me, due to the constant motion of one or more of the elements on any given screen.


Well, except the menu . . .




UFO and Sea Monster are reverse variations of Sea Wolf style gameplay, almost.


UFO-1 just has you blasting alien drones that move across the screen. The UFO that scores the most hits, wins. Yee-haw!


UFO-2 is the exact same thing, except you're blasting alien passenger saucers (or what I imagine to be saucers containing sentient beings.) hit the most saucers and you win. Yee-awn!


Sea Monster has you in ships a little more domestic and floaty. This time you're shooting at Sea Monsters that traverse the bottom of the Sea Screen. There's a catch to this one. Hit the Sea Monster, gain 5 points. Hit one of the cute friendly fish and you lose all your points. One strategy is to hit the Sea Monster once or twice and then don't fire at all, thus keeping you from inadvertently destroying friendly sea life. This was a little fun.


I'll mention that the sounds for these games are all quite adequate. No complaints there.


Below are three links to .mov files that try to capture the essence of these games in about a megabyte, each.




Break it Down and Rebuild are interesting. In the former, there are rotating square perimeters at the bottom of the screen. Player to clear theirs with the least amount of shots wins.


Rebuild is the exact opposite of Break it Down. You have to shoot "invisible" places at which a part of the rotating square perimeter appears when hit. Hopefully, the attached .mov's display the essence of the gameplay.


(dead links were also here but this time I'm proclaiming it without using all-caps)


The last game is called Shoot with three variations. Shoot a Little, Shoot and Shoot a Lot.


(one more removed dead link)


The variations are only in the amount of ammunition with which one starts the game. You and your competitor each control a laser-cannon-like device which fires a solid beam up the screen. You're trying to hit either of the square blocks that are going back and forth across the top. When you strike them, you gain points and they change color, speed, or both. When you run out of ammo, your game is over and the person who does the most with their starting ammo wins.


I'm astonished by my lack of anything even moderately amusing to say about these games. These games are neither bad enough to activate my sense of humor nor good enough to activate my sense of fun. Maybe I'm just tired from OVGE, which was awesome by the way.


We've got One. More. 1978. APF. Game! I was lucky to "win" (purchase) a working copy of Brickdown/Shooting Gallery and we'll look at that one next.

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Since you videotaped the games, why not just grab a still frame from the QuickTime movie for a screenshot? (BTW - I really like the movies. Nice addition.)

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Since you videotaped the games, why not just grab a still frame from the QuickTime movie for a screenshot? (BTW - I really like the movies. Nice addition.)


!!! I didn't know I could do that!! (I've been disgruntled with the whole "working with video files" thing when I couldn't find a program to turn a movie 90 degrees.) I didn't actually "videotape" them, I wish I had, then there'd be sound. I used my sound-free digital camera to make a clip. I'll definitely try to get a screenshot the way you suggested, thanks!


I need to get me a camera that lets me put video and into it directly like Phospher Dot Fossils has.

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I've been disgruntled with the whole "working with video files" thing when I couldn't find a program to turn a movie 90 degrees.

I know AVISynth can (TurnRight/TurnLeft), VirtualDub might be able to as well, though they might require a plugin to handle your source format.

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I couldn't play most of these games on MESS, so I was hoping for some screenshots here. The links to the videos don't work, so tough luck for me. :-(


I wonder if you still have this stuff and you'll be able to put them online again.


On the discussion above, about video cameras, we've come a long way since 2006. Digital cameras are very practical nowadays and you can get an MPG or AVI file straight away, and even upload directly to YouTube through your wireless LAN. Yes, that's how we do things here in the future.

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On 11/4/2012 at 1:18 PM, Nelio said:

I couldn't play most of these games on MESS, so I was hoping for some screenshots here. The links to the videos don't work, so tough luck for me. ?


I wonder if you still have this stuff and you'll be able to put them online again.


On the discussion above, about video cameras, we've come a long way since 2006. Digital cameras are very practical nowadays and you can get an MPG or AVI file straight away, and even upload directly to YouTube through your wireless LAN. Yes, that's how we do things here in the future.

Sadly, I have no idea where any of this stuff has gone. :( The intervening years were a rough patch. I still have my physical things, but I'm unsure about where any of my digital things are. Even if I had the foresight to back this stuff up, they're probably burned into a CD-ROM that I might not even be able to read anymore. (I have one CD drive in the house. A superdrive that works with a MacBook Pro from 2015 or so.)

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There are always ways to read old data. Especially in this community. I still have an ancient (working) Mac clone ca. 1996 that boots and runs. So if you do ever run across backup CDs you can't read, let me know!

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I love how you reply to this thread 15 (!) years later and the person who originally commented replies again like right away. 

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