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Choose your own adventure.



...AND IN THIS CORNERSo...what to do, what to do? What should be my next project for the 2600?So far, I've completed Go Fish! and Go Fish! 1K. M-4 is essentially completed; mostly I am waiting for an inspired idea to fill up the almost-1K of ROM I have left.I've begun too many projects. They are, in sort of chronological order:Running Man: a horizontally-scrolling platformer. This was my first (probably too-ambitious) 2600 project - I stopped work on it for two reasons: I didn't know how to make a bank-switched binary and I ran into an issue with collision detection that I'm still not sure how to solve.Arkanoid: a port of the arcade original. Stopped work on it because I needed to devote time to finishing some other project...Go Fish!? Or M-4? Also ran into an issue with collision detection that, also, I'm not sure how to solve.Untitled Legend of Zelda Clone: Interestingly enough, a sort-of horror western. Interesting because I picked this theme before reading the thread about underrepresented genres in the 2600 library (which seems to have come to the conclusion that the most underrepresented genre in the 2600 library is the zombie-western :lol:). I'm kind of half-heartedly working on this; I thought I had a kernel that would work, but then I realized that it had some issue that I'm not sure if I can live with. This one is a good candidate for a supercharger game - but unless it can be released on a cartridge, my motivation for doing a SC game is pretty low, despite the prize money. :)Untitled 1K Minigame: A simple concept. You are trapped in a dark room that has a flickering candle in each corner. It is dark elsewhere in the room. A series of "ghouls" are trying to kill you, one at a time. Each time you kill a ghoul, another one materializes in the corner. You can only see the ghouls when they are in the light (i.e., in the corner). Another complication - you have a projectile weapon with which to kill ghouls but, after throwing it, you have to go pick it up before you can throw it again. I took a 3-day vacation with my family and in-laws over the weekend, during which I didn't work on any code nor, really, think much about 2600 projects at all. Upon returning to normal life, I find that my motivation to continue working on this game is lacking.So, which one should I push through and finish? Or none of them; something else?EDIT: I forgot all about Cosmic Guerilla: A port of the 197x arcade classic. Not really interested in further work on this because: it is in an overloaded genre on the 2600, and is only 1% different from others in the library, IMO.


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My vote would be for Arkanoid - the kernel that you developed was looking very promising. It was one of my favourite games back when I had an ST. Alternatively there is also that Lumines prototype that you created last week :)



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Hi there!


My vote would be for Arkanoid


From the choices listed, my vote would also go to Arkanoid. With one restriction though, that it's really going to be Arkanoid, not some random good looking *withinthe2600specs* breakout clone. Ok, I'm all for tweaking it to the 2600 specs, but it should deliver as much *original* Arkanoid as possible. Playing it should give the instant impression of playing the 2600 version of Arkanoid. Then it gets my vote ;)

(I know I'm a weirdo, but I personally would always prefer to see Arkanoid 2600 over any random other 2600 breakout game :))


EDIT: Since I made Colony 7 my main project now, I could send you the sources I have for Balloon Bomber if you're still interested. I'd be happy to see that continued ;)




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From the choices listed, my vote would also go to Arkanoid. With one restriction though, that it's really going to be Arkanoid, not some random good looking *withinthe2600specs* breakout clone. Ok, I'm all for tweaking it to the 2600 specs, but it should deliver as much *original* Arkanoid as possible. Playing it should give the instant impression of playing the 2600 version of Arkanoid. Then it gets my vote ;)

(I know I'm a weirdo, but I personally would always prefer to see Arkanoid 2600 over any random other 2600 breakout game :))


I will agree with you here. There are enough breakout clones already on the 2600, but none of them yet come close to the Arkanoid experience IMO. I think most of the kernel details had been worked out already?



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Okay, Arkanoid. Here's the deal with Arkanoid:


Yes, the kernel is essentially worked out. Well, kinda. The kernel I have sitting around somewhere allows for 2 enemies flickering at 30 Hz, 1 non-flickering pill, and two *large* balls (Breakout-size ball) on screen at once.


The kernel that's in my mind but not actually written out or tested anywhere :) would display all of the above and also allow for 1-hit, 2-hit, and unbreakable bricks.


I'm not sure, though, that I want to commit to Arkanoid - partly because so many people are big fans of the game. This is a two-edged sword:

On the one hand, having lots of supportive, enthusiastic folks be excited about your game is a big motivator (it certainly was for Go Fish!).

On the other hand, having lots of people who know Arkanoid inside and out and have a certain level of quality/faithfulness/etc. they expect out of a 2600 conversion might be a little more pressure than I really want for a hobby project.


So, I dunno.


Another factor: the Zelda Clone game is, really, a perfect candidate for the Super Charger. It really needs a ton of RAM (I was planning to work around that by using Richard H's memcard as extra RAM, essentially - swapping things in and out of zero-page RAM from the memcard), plus the extra RAM would probably help in the kernel.


The main thing keeping me from picking something for the SC contest is the current lack of a cartridge option for SC games. Various people have been dropping hints that that could change, so...who knows?

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