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Looking for game ideas



Many moons ago I bought Civilization Revolution for the PS3 and have been playing it quite a bit ever since. But always single player, i.e. versus the AI. I've gotten fairly good, where I win the majority of the time against the highest difficulty level. But I've avoided the online multiplayer for a couple of reasons - can't save (so have to dedicate time), and there are quite a few very good players out there.


Well, this weekend I played my first online game and got spanked. Yes, at the beginning it looked promising; but though I was expanding nicely I was falling behind in tech. So I started to question why I was playing Civ. Yes, I probably could get better at multiplayer - but it would take a lot of time, time I wasn't willing to invest.


I realized I was playing CivRev because it satisfied two criteria: 1. it was wife acceptable and 2. it wasn't a game my son was interested in. So although I have other games I could play, my son also plays them and I don't want to get ahead of him. (He tends to watch and I don't want to spoil any surprises.)


SO I'm looking for suggestions for PS3 or Wii games to play. Criteria:

1. In general, most M rated games (especially FPS) are out as they aren't wife acceptable.

2. Offline single player - I simply don't have the time to invest for an online game.

3. Not something a 10 year old would be interested in playing.


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what kind off stuff do you like? from almost 3 years at gamestop i'm pretty good a recommendations lol, i just need a baseline interest or 2.


off the top of my head, since you like civ rev i'd say Dawn of Discovery for the wii. it's a light strategy city building/resource farming game.

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Fire Emblem perhaps? According to the Nintendo channel my wife and me sunk almost 180 hours into it. It's a great turn based strategy game which might just qualify to all three of your criteria :lol:


Dawn of Discovery is an interesting suggeston, albeit my wife and me lost interest in it rather fast. I don't think we invested more than 10 hours worth of playtime here.


Personally I'm totally looking forward to Sid Meiers Pirates!, but that might prove too interesting for a 10 year old to resist :o

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Those are 3 big and serious constraints... :lol: Maybe you can try something like "Bit.Trip Runner"?



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Fire Emblem perhaps? According to the Nintendo channel my wife and me sunk almost 180 hours into it. It's a great turn based strategy game which might just qualify to all three of your criteria :lol:


Dawn of Discovery is an interesting suggeston, albeit my wife and me lost interest in it rather fast. I don't think we invested more than 10 hours worth of playtime here.


Personally I'm totally looking forward to Sid Meiers Pirates!, but that might prove too interesting for a 10 year old to resist :o

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check out Fire Emblem - read some reviews etc.


One clarification - my son will watch me play Civ but he has little interest in playing it himself.

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what kind off stuff do you like? from almost 3 years at gamestop i'm pretty good a recommendations lol, i just need a baseline interest or 2.


off the top of my head, since you like civ rev i'd say Dawn of Discovery for the wii. it's a light strategy city building/resource farming game.

My favorite games are Zelda the Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64. So action/adventure and 3D platformer. The latter is out 'cause my son likes those too. RPGs are good although they typically take longer than I have interest. (I stopped playing Dungeon Siege 'cause I got tired of killing goblin hordes.) Dungeon Keeper was a good 'un, and Overlord caught my eye when I did some window shopping over the weekend.

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I ordered the Wii version of Overlord just 2 days ago, but unfortunately Amazon said it'll take 2-3 weeks to deliver. I can probably report how it's like later in july.


From the hearsay should the PS3 version be longer and harder, so it's probably better there. It's said the Wii version takes less than 5 hours to beat and I remember a review that said it's like playing with training wheels.

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I forgot to mention I'm a cheap bastard as well. So older stuff which I can pick up dirt cheap on eBay (I got the original Rock Band for US$14 shipped) is much better than having to pay full retail for the latest release.

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How about playing coop with your son? While it isn't the greatest game ever, my wife and me had much fun with e.g. Lego Indiana Jones :lol:

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How about playing coop with your son? While it isn't the greatest game ever, my wife and me had much fun with e.g. Lego Indiana Jones :lol:

Oh we do that too. (I can't wait until we can start playing Rock Band as a family.) But there are times were I want to play and he's not around (i.e. gone to bed).

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As silly as this sounds, we enjoyed the heck out of Pop Cap's "Peggle". It is multi-player online, if you want, or it can just be played at home.


Yes, it's probably the most "gay" game ever! We laughed our asses off at the graphics and rainbow colors. (my youngest daughter liked it, but won't admit it)


Anyway, there is a great funk jazz sound track, simple game action, and enough levels and stuff that could happen to make for a few fun game nights. We did the Sony Store download for a few bucks. Worth it.

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I've been playing Peggle and Peggle Nights on my Mac via Steam, and yes it's quite fun, and fabulous.


Wasn't aware they had multiplayer as the version via Steam doesn't have that feature. Maybe they'll do an update and add it.

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