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Surprisingly, A New System...



For awhile, I have been thinking I would never get another gaming system...I figured I had more than enough systems and games to keep me busy for the rest of my life. But I decided to rethink that and get a Playstation 3 since I've been told at my favorite DVD site that the PS3 is also a very fine Blu-ray player and I've been thinking of getting one of those. So the system will serve two purposes, as both a game playing machine and an upgrade in my movie-watching system. I ordered a PS3 on Wednesday and it could arrive either late this week or, probaboy more likely, early next week. I forget how it's coming.


Of course, this brings up the question of what will be my early game purchases for this system. I may not actually buy any PS3 games until after Christmas. I told my family I ordered this so they could get me either PS3 games or Bllu-ray movies for it for Christmas. If they don't get it for me, I imagine my first game for it could be Red Dead Redemption which I understand is one of the best games for the PS3 so far...and I do like westerns. I'm also a big baseball fan so I know I'll want MLB The Show so the question there is do I get the version out now and play it right away...or do I wait and get next year's edition? I also need to get myself a new TV so that my Blu-rays will look their best. My nephew is recommending I got a Vizio (he has the 37-inch set) while people at my DVD site say I shouldn't consider anything other than a Sony or a Samsung. I was originally planning on getting a Sony, so I may stick with that thought.


Recommended Comments

The PS3 is an excellent Blu-Ray player, although it doesn't have multi-channel audio outputs except via HDMI.


There are lots of demos available for free from the online store, so you may be able to try before you buy.


Check avsforum.com for lots of info about the various HDTVs. Just remember that there are only a few panel manufacturers and they are prone to develop problems just after the manufacturer's warranty runs out (not that extended warranties help much either).

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I actually already ordered a PS3. I ordered a 160GB version. Thanks for the suggestion about that HDTV site. I was not familiar with that one.

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It makes a great Blu-ray player, I use mine more for that more than I do gaming. When I bought mine the dedicated players cost more, and all of those players are stuck with a 1.x profile while the PS3's been updated to support the latest, including 3D.



The PS3 is an excellent Blu-Ray player, although it doesn't have multi-channel audio outputs except via HDMI.

My HDTV predates HDMI. I get 5.1 surround sound out of my PS3 via the optical connector.

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My neighbor has a Vizio, great TV, Made in USA IIRC so it keeps money in the US which is also great.



Can't go wrong with it, I'd highly recommended it. Great TV.

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