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Playing Magic Johnson's Basketball (C64)



Hi there!


Magic Johnson, a name in Basketball so big, even I heard of him!




Okay, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan got video games too, so I knew them as well :lolblue:


In school I always preferred Basketball over Soccer, since I was rather big and slow than small and fast. So unlike in Soccer, I managed to score in Basketball once a month :D


Well, the game is slightly better than the Soccer games I tried recently, but nowhere near a classic like e.g. Street Sports Basketball or TV Sports Basketball. It only offers a fixed two-on-two match, with 4 quarters of 2 minutes length. So the whole game last about 10 minutes and thank heavens, I won the match on my first try already :lol:


The graphics are not that bad, as is the music by Tim Follin. It's even quite playable, albeit I never figured out how pass or throw towards the basket at will. Wild button mashing just did the trick good enough for me to win, especially since the computer isn't good at the game either.


After I won the game it ended with saying "Game Over" and back in the day I'd have been seriously angry after forking out a lot of cash for such a completely content free package.


Some future day the Playing series may see another Basketball game in the form of "Tip Off", but first it'll continue with something else.





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