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Nintendo 64



I took apart and cleaned one of my old Nintendo 64 controllers (my first one to be exact) today and then hooked the N64 back up. I had to use the A/V slot on my system selector that I was reserving for plug-and-play units like my Pac-Man Arcade Stick but ahh heck, its the N64. I dunno why I ever had this great system unhooked.


I've been playing a bit of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon and thinking that I really need to look into whether there are any other good 3D adventure games on the N64 with a bit of free roaming. I have both the Zeldas and Castlevania (which sucks) is kind of the same idea, but I really want more games like OoT and Goemon. I might try to hunt down Quest 64. I never owned it as a kid but I rented it a few times and thought it was ok (though underwhelming).


At any rate, the N64 should keep me busy until my Colecovision arrives. ...I hope.


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