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b is for batari



Some may have noticed that the last release of batari Basic was sometime in August. Well, there is a good reason for that. I don't have a real job. I work in academia. I'm a research assistant at a local university, and I teach a class or two here and there. The point in all this is that summertime tends to be a little relaxed around here, so nobody noticed that I spent gobs of time working on bB.I also underestimated how much free time I would have once the regular school year started. Therefore, I have done exactly zero hours of coding for the compiler since the end of August. But I hope this will change soon - I am now preparing the final exams for my classes, which means that things will be relaxed around here again shortly.My goals are to integrate at least one of two new kernels over the holiday season, along with various bugfixes. One kernel has (IIRC) 6 sprites, which should be useful for a good variety of games. Another is a text-only kernel. I can't wait to get started. But these damn obligations keep getting in the way.This time, however, I will refrain from promising anything.


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