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JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I WAS DONE it turns out I'm not. :|


Anyway, I'll just reproduce what Al wrote to me and ask: anybody have any explanations or a fix?

Hi Bob,When playing the game (NTSC) on a real 2600, I ran into an interesting bug. When starting the game, if you don't do anything, Santa ends up running right through the playfield, and the game shortly resets back to the title screen after that. I burned two games to boards to test, and only discovered this after I played int the third level. It was a fluke that I noticed this at all, but it's a pretty serious problem so I'm going to start erasing the 100 (well, uhhr, 98) EPROMs I burned.This does not happen in Stella, which is probably why nobody saw it. before. Do any of the other testers have Krokodile Carts or Cuttle Carts they can use to test this on a real 2600?

Message Two:

I did some more digging-- it seems that the game only fails on one type of EPROM, the Texas Instruments 27C128. This is strange, as I use these all the time for Thrust+ Platinum. The game does seem to work fine with all the other types of EPROMs I programmed (five other types). Unfortunately, the TI 27C128s are the ones I have the most of, and comprise probably 60 of the EPROMs I programmed. Really strange that this problem only occurs with this one part. I assume it's some kind of weird timing issue. I'm hoping that you might be able to come up with some theories as to why this might be happening and maybe a fix? I'm a bit nervous about soldering more boards until I hear back from you.

If anybody has a Kroc cart or a CC and want to test Reindeer Runner for me? Manuel, I'm assuming that you have already, since you ran this on a real TV to test the PAL colors.This has me baffled; it is beyond my "expertise."The only weird thing that the game does is hit HMOVE at an odd time and, as mentioned in Eric B's weblog, it outputs 270 scanlines (NTSC); I do store the value of CXP0FB in RAM halfway down the screen (right before drawing the string of Christmas lights) and then use that stored value to process collisions between Santa and the playfield; so I suppose that maybe that value is being corrupted or lost somehow...? I dunno.Help?

(Note: I'm going to post this same thing on the [stella] list...)


EDIT: This is the pic referred to in comment #58:blog-6060-1134888067_thumb.png


Recommended Comments

Are you using any undocumented opcodes? Are you initializing everything (TIA & RIOT registers, RAM)? Could it be starting in the wrong bank? (i.e. what are $FFFA - $FFFF pointing to in each bank) What are the dependencies of the Santa/playfield collision routine?

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Are you using any undocumented opcodes?  Are you initializing everything (TIA & RIOT registers, RAM)?  Could it be starting in the wrong bank?  (i.e. what are $FFFA - $FFFF pointing to in each bank)  What are the dependencies of the Santa/playfield collision routine?

I am using undocumented opcodes; I think only DCP (as part of SkipDraw).


Starting in the wrong bank...hmmmm. I'll double check right now, but I'm pretty sure every bank except the first has RESET/BRK vectors pointing at $F000 and, at $F000 in every bank but the first is a 'sta $1FF6'. The first bank has the vectors pointing to $F003, where the CLEAN_START macro sits.


The main tricky thing about Santa-to-playfield collisions is that, since the playfield and the players overlap in the status portion of the screen (at the bottom), I have to store CXP0FB in RAM right above the status section. Then all collisions are based on the value in RAM, rather than directly on the value in the collision register. But unless the EPROM is corrupting RIOT RAM (!?! Probably not!) I don't know how that would affect anything.

Could the bankswitching be part of the problem?

Hmmm...I wonder if the bank switch interferes with writes to RAM? Seems odd, and perhaps unlikely, but I'll look into that.

I have a Krokocart and I'd test the ROM for you.

PM (and ROM) sent!


Thanks, everyone!


EDIT: Ok, I checked, after drawing most of the screen, the ROM bankswitches before drawing the floor and, immediately after drawing the floor is when I store the value of CXP0FB in RAM - this happens over 6 scanlines after bankswitching and the ROM doesn't bankswitch again for another ~30 scanlines. So...I'm still baffled. And I double checked the startup routines; as far as I can tell the ROM should have no problem starting up in any bank; it's all as I described it above.

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Hi there!


If anybody has a Kroc cart or a CC and want to test Reindeer Runner for me? Manuel, I'm assuming that you have already, since you ran this on a real TV to test the PAL colors.


I did all PAL testing on the real thing with a CC.

I just ran it again and those 2 scenarios flawlessly work for me:


- Play up to level 3. Die there. Wait until the GO sequence is done. Start again.

- Play up to level 3. Hit RESET there. Start again.


If there's more to it, (like starting the game with Fire Button vs. RESET or certain diff switch settings (I had B/B here) or stuff like "die with x lives remaining" let me know and I'll run it again immediately!




- Bankswitching!

- Does it compile with "branch out of reach"?

- Check all used constants for the #




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I did all PAL testing on the real thing with a CC.

I just ran it again and those 2 scenarios flawlessly work for me:


- Play up to level 3. Die there. Wait until the GO sequence is done. Start again.

- Play up to level 3. Hit RESET there. Start again.




- Bankswitching!

- Does it compile with "branch out of reach"?

- Check all used constants for the #

Hi Manuel, I don't think I ever sent you the final binary :) I'll PM it to you right now (or check your email, I distributed it on the [stella] list).


What should I look for when looking for problems with bankswitching?

Does not compile with any "branch out of reach" errors...or any other errors/messages of any kind, for that matter.

Will check constants for #.


Thanks, everyone.



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I tried to let Santa run through the playfield on both areas 1 and 2... but they seem to be working correctly. I'll keep at the game for a while to try area 3.


Nice game, btw! :)

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I tried to let Santa run through the playfield on both areas 1 and 2... but they seem to be working correctly.  I'll keep at the game for a while to try area 3.


Nice game, btw!  :)

Thanks, and thanks!

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Hi Manuel, I don't think I ever sent you the final binary ;)

;) Manuel did the PAL tests for us.

I know - the binary went through about 5 "final" versions in the last two days, mostly fixing bugs related to the score and the high score (I kinda, uh, forgot to set the decimal flag in one spot ;) and I the routine that compared the current score to the high score was buggy), and I didn't copy everyone with every revision. I didn't want you all to hate me. :)


So anyway, the versions posted on [stella] are the "final" binaries that I sent to Al and that he began burning to EPROMs yesterday.

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Well... shoot. Sorry about that - I guess I jinxed you with the "Congratulations" comment yesterday. :)


I would have tested it on real hardware except I still don't have my Kroko Cart. ;)

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Hi folks,


First, thanks for the quick feedback and good suggestions everyone. It was supercat (in a PM) and, a little after the fact on [stella], David Galloway, who tipped me off to what (I *think*) was the real problem. Namely, that this code just plain doesn't work on certain EPROMs (why?):

   lda CXP0FB
  sta SantaTemp

Changing that code to the following fixed the problem:

   bit CXP0FB
  bpl NoCollision
  lda #$FF
  .byte $2C
  lda #0
  sta SantaTemp

Thanks again for all the suggestions and ideas; and anybody have an explanation???


I assume it is the timing difference between LDA and BIT, but according to this webpage (which, admittedly, is for the 6510), the timing for those two operations is the same.

  Zero page addressing

    Read instructions (LDA, LDX, LDY, EOR, AND, ORA, ADC, SBC, CMP, BIT,
                       LAX, NOP)

       #  address R/W description
      --- ------- --- ------------------------------------------
       1    PC     R  fetch opcode, increment PC
       2    PC     R  fetch address, increment PC
       3  address  R  read from effective address



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I assume it is the timing difference between LDA and BIT, but according to this webpage (which, admittedly, is for the 6510), the timing for those two operations is the same.

  Zero page addressing

    Read instructions (LDA, LDX, LDY, EOR, AND, ORA, ADC, SBC, CMP, BIT,
                       LAX, NOP)

       #  address R/W description
      --- ------- --- ------------------------------------------
       1    PC     R  fetch opcode, increment PC
       2    PC     R  fetch address, increment PC
       3  address  R  read from effective address



The 6510 is functionally the same as the 6507, so the above is fine.


However, I understand that LDA, LDX, LDY and LAX operate a little differently than the others. I don't know if this has any effect, but I think (and I hope someone will correctly if I am wrong) that the other instructions actually perform the operation during the 4th cycle but simultaneously fetch the opcode for the next instruction, so it seems like 3 cycles.


Regardless, my gut tells me that it's a problem with how the EPROM affects the data bus. If the data bus has open-collector outputs (I am not sure if it does or not) then it can easily be pulled low. In LDA CXP0FB, the data bus will contain $A5...$02...then the contents of $02. Maybe the $02 is staying on the bus too long. I wonder if you changed it to LDA $E000+CXP0FB, then the bus would contain $AD...$02...$E0 and I wonder if this would work, since the high byte would be 1 instead of 0.

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The 6510 is functionally the same as the 6507, so the above is fine.


However, I understand that LDA, LDX, LDY and LAX operate a little differently than the others.  I don't know if this has any effect, but I think (and I hope someone will correctly if I am wrong) that the other instructions actually perform the operation during the 4th cycle but simultaneously fetch the opcode for the next instruction, so it seems like 3 cycles.


Regardless, my gut tells me that it's a problem with how the EPROM affects the data bus.  If the data bus has open-collector outputs (I am not sure if it does or not) then it can easily be pulled low.  In LDA CXP0FB, the data bus will contain $A5...$02...then the contents of $02.  Maybe the $02 is staying on the bus too long.  I wonder if you changed it to LDA $E000+CXP0FB, then the bus would contain $AD...$02...$E0 and I wonder if this would work, since the high byte would be 1 instead of 0.

I don't know if you've been following this on the [stella] list or not, but Al has been kind enough to test a couple of different permutations...



This doesn't work:

   lda CXP0FB
  sta SantaTemp

This does work:

   bit CXP0FB
  bpl NoCollision
  lda #$FF
  .byte $2C
  lda #0
  sta SantaTemp

However, this also works:

   lda CXP0FB
  bpl NoCollision
  lda #$FF
  .byte $2C
  lda #0
  sta SantaTemp

But this does not work:

   lda CXP0FB
  sta CXP0FB

And, elsewhere in the code, this does work:

   lda CXPPMM
  bmi CollisionHappened

Does that fit with your theory?

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And, elsewhere in the code, this does work:

   lda CXPPMM
  bmi CollisionHappened

Does that fit with your theory?

This one doesn't really, but then again CXPPMM is different than CXM0FB, so I'm not totally sure.


I guess I'm a couple of hours late. But I still wonder if my suggestion will work. If you try it and it works, please post the result here.

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You're definitely not too late!


EDIT: Ok, Al tested that version and it did not work, Fred.


But supercat had a theory of his own and his own fix to try, which ended up working.


His looked something like this:



   lda CXP0FB
  sta SantaTemp

With this:

   lda CXP0FB
  and #$C0
  ora #2
  jmp ImHere
  sta SantaTemp

I didn't quite understand his explanation of why that might work, so I'm waiting to hear back from him.

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However, I understand that LDA, LDX, LDY and LAX operate a little differently than the others.  I don't know if this has any effect, but I think (and I hope someone will correctly if I am wrong) that the other instructions actually perform the operation during the 4th cycle but simultaneously fetch the opcode for the next instruction, so it seems like 3 cycles.


On the 6502, the processor has to know what it's going to do with the memory bus on any given cycle before the previous cycle completes, with two exceptions:


-1- The low-order part of the address may be taken from the previous cycle's data, or

-2- The high-order part of the address may be taken from the previous cycle's data.


If you perform any instruction that ends with a read operation, the processor will start processing the opcode fetch for the next instruction before it finishes processing the read data. This is fine, though, since the opcode fetch will be unaffected by the previous operation.


Regardless, my gut tells me that it's a problem with how the EPROM affects the data bus.  If the data bus has open-collector outputs (I am not sure if it does or not) then it can easily be pulled low.  In LDA CXP0FB, the data bus will contain $A5...$02...then the contents of $02.  Maybe the $02 is staying on the bus too long.  I wonder if you changed it to LDA $E000+CXP0FB, then the bus would contain $AD...$02...$E0 and I wonder if this would work, since the high byte would be 1 instead of 0.


When performing a "LDA $02" instruction, there are about 420ns between the time A12 goes low (indicating the EPROM should shut up) and the time the TIA starts outputting its data, and another 420ns before the CPU actually reads the data. Any EPROM which can't shut up within 420ns is broken.


One source of incompatibility, though, is that the TIA doesn't bother to say anything on bits 0-5. They may float high, they may float low, or they may just sit at the last driven value. This would most likely be 2, but it could at least theoretically be something else (if the EPROM is faster than the GAL, the changing address could cause it to output a goofy data byte before the chip becomes deselected). Thus, bits 0-5 of any TIA read should be regarded as indeterminate.


Note that this only affects bits 0-5. Bits 6-7 will be actively driven by the TIA, and it should have no trouble whatsoever doing so.

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You're definitely not too late!


EDIT: Ok, Al tested that version and it did not work, Fred.


But supercat had a theory of his own and his own fix to try, which ended up working.


His looked something like this:



   lda CXP0FB
  sta SantaTemp

With this:

   lda CXP0FB
  and #$C0
  ora #2
  jmp ImHere
  sta SantaTemp

I didn't quite understand his explanation of why that might work, so I'm waiting to hear back from him.


Well, my theory was that it might be an address-sensitivity problem elsewhere in the code, solved by expanding this bit of code by seven bytes. Using seven NOPs might not be an adequate substitute because they take too long to execute. Try changing the above code to

With this:

   lda CXP0FB
  jmp ImHere
  and #$C0
  ora #2

Same size. Four cycles faster, but that shouldn't matter--the key thing is that it's not fourteen cycles slower. I must confess to still being puzzled.


Incidentally, the earlier code would force the accumulator to have the value it would normally have if D0-D5 float cleanly.

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   lda CXP0FB
  jmp ImHere
  and #$C0
  ora #2


If this happens to re-break things, then try:

   lda CXP0FB
  and #$FF
  ora #0
  jmp ImHere


In this version, the "AND" and "ORA" don't affect the accumulator contents, but they do take time to execute. If this version is also re-broken, then something in the code depends upon D0-D5 holding certain values. If the code works with the second version but not the first, then there is something that requires the right amount of delay. And if both versions work, then there's something elsewhere in the code that's address-sensitive. In that case, you should try removing this extra code and inserting seven extra bytes at various other places (probably between routines). You may find a routine which will work if seven extra bytes are placed before it but not if they're placed after.

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   lda CXP0FB
  jmp ImHere
  and #$C0
  ora #2


If this happens to re-break things, then try:

   lda CXP0FB
  and #$FF
  ora #0
  jmp ImHere


In this version, the "AND" and "ORA" don't affect the accumulator contents, but they do take time to execute. If this version is also re-broken, then something in the code depends upon D0-D5 holding certain values. If the code works with the second version but not the first, then there is something that requires the right amount of delay. And if both versions work, then there's something elsewhere in the code that's address-sensitive. In that case, you should try removing this extra code and inserting seven extra bytes at various other places (probably between routines). You may find a routine which will work if seven extra bytes are placed before it but not if they're placed after.


Thanks, I'll send 'em off to Al for testing :)

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They both don't work. So...

If this version is also re-broken, then something in the code depends upon D0-D5 holding certain values.

I guess that's the answer...sort of. Remaining...


Why does the code require D0-D5 to hold certain values when I can't find anywhere that it does and only for a certain type of EPROM?


EDIT: I'm going to post a summary of this stuff on the [stella] list. I guess the most important question to be answered is: what is a safe solution? The following three solutions worked:

My solution:

   bit CXP0FB
  bpl NoCollision
  lda #$FF
  .byte $2C
  lda #0
  sta SantaTemp

Manuel's solution:

   lda CXP0FB
  bpl NoCollision
  lda #$FF
  .byte $2C
  lda #0
  sta SantaTemp

And supercat's solution:

   lda CXP0FB
  and #$C0
  ora #2
  jmp ImHere
  sta SantaTemp


All of the known working solutions involve modifying the accumulator after reading CXP0FB but before writing to ZP RAM. ???

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Why does the code require D0-D5 to hold certain values when I can't find anywhere that it does and only for a certain type of EPROM?


I don't know. If your post was thorough in listing all of the places you use SantaTemp, I can't see why it would matter like it does. Nothing is different between an "AND #$C0" and an "AND #$FF" except the content of the accululator and Z flag afterward.


A few more things I'd be curious to see...


-1- Ensure some bits are set, but don't mask off any (maybe zero is a bad value?)

 lda CXP0FB ; Or whatever it is
 and #$FF
 ora #$02
 sta SantaTemp

-2- Ensure no excess bits are set, but don't add any

 lda CXP0FB ; Or whatever
 and #$C2 ; Bit 1 would typically be set, but don't force it
 ora #$00

-3- Force all excess bits to '1' [may be worth trying in emulator, though I did with no apparent effect]

 lda CXP0FB; Or whatever
 and #$C0
 ora #$3F

-4- Force all excess bits to '1' [may be worth trying in emulator, though I did with no apparent effect]

 lda CXP0FB; Or whatever
 and #$C0
 ora #$00

-5- Make all excess bits random [try in emulator]

 lda SomethingRandom
 and #$3F
 eor CXP0FB

For the last one, SomethingRandom should be some address that holds a changing value.


Two other things to consider:


-1- Do the difficulty switches do anything?


-2- Is it possible that an indexed load is looking at SantaTemp and gets confused if it's zero when it shoudn't be, or it has unexpected bits set?

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Minor update:


This does not work:

   lda CXP0FB
  and #$FF
  ora #2
  sta SantaTemp


EDIT: I will forward all suggestions to Al (in the form of binaries to test) and will let you know what he finds out.


Something else weird to consider: on the non-working binaries the sprite-to-sprite collisions are inconsistent. Al reports that collisions with some items are registered while others are not. I might as well give the full report of odd behavior:


For non-working binaries (i.e., the original code and all suggested modifications that haven't worked on the TI EPROMs) the following occurs:


1. Santa behavior: When Santa hits playfield, he bounces once and then walks right through. He cannot jump while he is touching any playfield. He can move forwards and sometimes backwards. If he walks out of playfield he can then jump again and continue as normal except that #2 still applies...


2. Game behavior: If Santa just walks steadily, never jumping on top of the playfield, the game behaves as if it hit a BRK (i.e., it goes through the BRK vector which is the same as the RESET vector) at the same point in the game every time. If he makes Santa jump out and on top of the playfield, then the game will still eventually end, but sometimes it behaves like it executed a BRK and sometimes it behaves like it hit a HLT opcode (e.g., $02) - i.e., the console freezes on a blank screen and doesn't respond to any input. Must cycle power to get the game back.


3. Music behavior: As soon as Santa starts walking through playfield the music cuts out immediately. Hmmm...didn't ask about the sound effects. Anyway, the music cuts out and cannot be turned back on (normally it can be switched on and off with the right difficulty switch), even if Santa leaves the playfield. Interestingly, if Santa hits the snow flurry the music also cuts.


Note that in all other ways the game carries on normally for a little while before crashing (either to a blank screen [HLT] or to the title screen [bRK]).


The game crashing makes me think that it is a wayward bankswitch that gets somehow triggered, causing it to execute stuff that isn't code - there is no code, even unused, containing BRK or HLT opcodes. But, on the other hand, the lack of an immediate crash has me baffled - I somehow doubt that it could randomly switch banks and continue on almost normally for several seconds before finally crashing. But maybe so. Looking at the code, if the ROM was bankswitching sometime around the CXP0FB read (which is in bank 3), it would go into data in banks 1 and 2 and back into the middle of the kernel in bank 0. So I doubt an immediate bankswitch is what is happening.


The music stuff seems an odd side effect. And the code that reads CXPPMM, first of all, is in a completely different bank from the code that reads CXP0FB and, second, has been unchanged in all the many modifications, some working, some not, that Al has tested. So I don't know why sometimes that works and sometimes not. It's almost like reading CXP0FB in a certain way is corrupting the TIA. Which, AFAIK, is impossible.


So $%#@&* if I know what is going on.



They both don't work.  So...

Did you try my suggestion?

Yes, it didn't work. Any other ideas? Please? :)

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I somehow doubt that it could randomly switch banks and continue on almost normally for several seconds before finally crashing.  But maybe so.  Looking at the code, if the ROM was bankswitching sometime around the CXP0FB read (which is in bank 3), it would go into data in banks 1 and 2 and back into the middle of the kernel in bank 0.  So I doubt an immediate bankswitch is what is happening.

I have a dipswitch multicart, and if you switch games while one is running, quite often the new game will run for a while in some screwed up state. But plasibility alone doesn't suggest that bankswitching is the cause - it shouldn't switch banks.


My money is still on the data bus. Personally, I'd try burning Video Pinball copied 4 times on one of the EPROMs and see if it plays right. IIRC, Videoball Pinball relies on data bus persistence.


Or maybe code like this, just to see what happens:


lda $3F

CMP #$3F

BNE bus_not_persistent


Or maybe a program that access TIA regs and displays their contents to the screen.


EDIT: one more request: what the physical address that DASM compiles LDA CXP0FB to? And is it the target of a branch/JMP?

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