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Drowning in stuff



I got really frustrated yesterday with the amount of classic gaming stuff in my closet and workshop. I never did find what I was looking for.


I realized as I moved box after box out of the way that A) I rarely play with this stuff and B) nobody in my life shares the interest so C) what's the point?.


I'm thinking it might be time to dump all but one 2600 console. Do I really need 3 spare 2600s and about 100 extra controllers in various states of repair, a partially functional Odyssey2, 3 or 4 Colecovisions, several Intellivisions, a Vectrex, an SMS, an NES, a 5200 plus a bunch of parts, an XEGS, a Virtual Boy, a broken Channel F, an RCA Studio II, a bunch of Game Boy, GBC, Game Boy Pocket, etc.


Might just be time for a purge. Maybe. Something to consider for the new year...


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Heh, yeah. I've had it for a couple of years and only took it out of the box to play it once. It's like brand new, CIB. It's not really like me to not use something in the name of preservation. It just doesn't suit me for some reason. It is a better conversation piece than anything else.


I also really need the spare stand and controller with the add-on for an AC adapter. They come in really handy. :)

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I had a serious full-size-monster collection going, every system from 1976 through almost 1990, spanning an entire 3 rooms, master bedroom rooms.


Over the years I disposed of things bit by bit and recently, unfortunately, accumulated a ton of Apple II stuff.


Now I have to dispose of that too, it's like 2002 all over again. This is beyond hoarding!

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I may have an interest in the RCA Studio ii. I just picked up a pretty nice one, but although it works about %95, there is one small issue with the display (seems as though a single vertical line about 1/4 across the screen is not being drawn) that I think may be related to the flaky switch box. If you have games and your Studio ii comes with that custom switch box, I may be interested. :-)

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