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Facebook Is Killing My Web Site

Random Terrain


Seems like hardly anyone has their own web sites anymore. They just plop their asses on Facebook. The problem with that is every link to your web site from Facebook doesn't seem to count according to Google. Here's an example:




There are 74 links to that page from Facebook, but it only has a PageRank of 1 (a 10 is the best). If I would have gotten 74 links from people's actual web sites, the PageRank would probably be at least a 3. And that's just one example. Seems like more and more people have abandoned personal web sites and moved to Facebook, so my whole web site has suffered. As the Facebook like count grew for various pages on my web site, the PageRank dropped. I've deleted many pages at my web site in the hopes that I'll stop losing PageRank. If things keep getting worse, I'll delete everything except the Atari-related pages. That would make Google happy since they want a web site to be about one subject.




Random Terrain



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Sounds like everybody have problems with Facebook. I don't know how the facebook works because I don't have an account of it and I don't feel to need it anyway. People still go to my website using Google without needing deleting any pages.. Unstead deleting pages on your website, delete your account on Facebook. Google will care more with your website without having an account on Facebook.

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Sounds like everybody have problems with Facebook. I don't know how the facebook works because I don't have an account of it and I don't feel to need it anyway. People still go to my website using Google without needing deleting any pages.. Unstead deleting pages on your website, delete your account on Facebook. Google will care more with your website without having an account on Facebook.


I think you misunderstood my post. Me having or not having an account at Facebook has nothing to do with people linking to pages on my web site at randomterrain.com.


Almost all of my traffic comes from Google. A lot of people used to have their own web sites and would link to my web site. Google takes those links into account when assigning PageRank, but now more and more people are getting rid of their web sites and just using Facebook. When they link to one of your pages from Facebook, Google doesn't count it, so it doesn't help raise your PageRank:




When almost everybody is using Facebook and linking to my pages from there instead of from other web sites that matter in the eyes of Google, my PageRank keeps dropping and dropping and it causes my web site to be lower in the search results, so instead of sending me over a thousand people a day, Google is sending about half that now or less some days. Google is assuming that fewer people are linking to my web site, when more people are linking to it than ever, they are just linking to it from Facebook (which Google ignores).

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Thanks for the explaination. I am confused about Facebook and your blogs. Yeah! Many people droped their websites to go to Facebook. Almost everybody have an account at Facebook. Now I understand why you have less and less people to go to your website. Newgrounds has Facebook. CBC also has Facebook too. I can watch a TV commercial ads with an adress Facebook too. Facebook is everywhere. Electronic Arts has Facebook and Activision too.


No wonder why other websites die.

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It seems that websites in general are gradually being phased out:




Personally, as a proud Facebook non-user, I think it's a shame. I'd much prefer to have a standalone website, a work of individual expression, instead of being a cog in the Facebook machine, existing only to provide "content" that can be easily sliced and diced and streamed by others. I hope to have a website of my own online by the end of 2013 (it's been in the "planning stages" for years).

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That's because google doesn't count different profiles as different websites. However social links do matter and quite a bit in page ranking. I assume you've installed google analytics so it should be on traffic sources->social.

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That's because google doesn't count different profiles as different websites. However social links do matter and quite a bit in page ranking. I assume you've installed google analytics so it should be on traffic sources->social.


I see it, but all of those visitors coming from those links don't seem to affect PageRank in a meaningful way. It seems to have a negative effect. It's almost a guarantee that the more Facebook links a page on my site gets, the farther down the PageRank will drop.


It doesn't matter now. I've killed off every low-ranked page that I could, not counting the crappy Atari-related pages that almost nobody visits. They deserve to have a low PageRank. Now there is only one favorite quotes page and one game design quotes page. It will be difficult for the average Facebook user to 'like' these two quote pages because they aren't about one subject. The Facebook users won't know what to do, then they'll see something shiny and wander off. We'll see what happens in the next couple of months.

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