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Everything posted by sometimes99er

  1. The subroutine could change the return address, and then the code could make sense. ๐Ÿ˜
  2. Instead of "forums.atariage.com/forum/164-ti-994a-computers" you can use "ti99.atariage.com". ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. Some of the problems, including transposition, are somewhat outside the sound chip. ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/nmah_1064832
  5. That should be easy to implement just before your wait for VDP end of frame. Something like this: clr r1 ; keyboard column 0 li r12,>24 ; CRU address of the decoder ldcr r1,>3 ; select the column li r12,>6 ; address of the first row stcr r1,>8 ; read 8 rows andi r1,>1100 ; test both "fctn" and "=" (=QUIT) jne label ; not pressed blwp @>0000 ; reset
  6. https://github.com/pakastin/car
  7. Couldn't we please keep this in a ChicagoTIUG Meeting thread only ? Like Classic99 and Mess/Mame etc.
  8. Couldn't we please keep this in a Ti99Dir thread only ? Like Classic99 and Mess/Mame etc.
  9. r0: >8300 (source), >8302 (destination), >8304 r1: >8302 ๐Ÿคจ
  10. TI Defenders. Looking good. ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Yes. I don't think that's solved yet. I think the easiest way forward for Wilhelm, is to make routines to allow copying data from a ROM bank above the compiled and banked 2.9, to either VDP or RAM. Care must be taken to ensure, that you do not overwrite bits that make the compiled program run. After MAKECART8 you append your databanks to the end of the cartridge. The edit-compile-test cycle by which a programmer iteratively remove errors becomes somewhat longer and more complex, but not impossible. I suggest you try out Assembly. There's a learning curve different from person to person. You could use 2 weeks or 2 years to get where you are today with your current game development project. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  12. Well. 2.9 should have the ability to run other compiled programs. So you could have the first program setting up graphics and more, and the second merely containing game logic - effectively moving you beyond 32K.
  13. You're forgetting RXB. RXB has CALL MOVES for moving chunks of bytes between memory types. Here's an example copying the large TI font from GROM to VDP, making it available. 100 for c=32 to 95::print chr$(c); ::next c::print : : 110 call moves("GV",512,1204,1024) 120 input i$
  14. Never thought that would be a problem for Forth ... ๐Ÿคจ But ain't that kind of your solution anyway !? ๐Ÿฅธ
  15. https://www.atarimagazines.com/compute/issue37/ti_basic.php
  16. Yep. But what did I know back in 1979 (cartridge released in september 1977) ... ๐Ÿ˜
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