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Everything posted by evilmoo

  1. Perhaps if you could expound upon this, we could find a way to preserve the hardware through emulation and let you keep your market. Alternately, if you could just release the information related to the hardware registers and their names and functions, that would go a long way towards helping emulation efforts. Thank you for your time.
  2. So you need RAM to store whatever is immediately needed and likely to change. The code itself and any static data (monster names and statistics etc) could be either on disk or a cartridge. In theory, each level not currently in use could also be swapped out to a disk.
  3. May they have all of the Atari vaporware perfectly preserved and bug-free where ever you are, Bob.
  4. Well that's a short-sighted shame. It certainly would've made writing emulation for the hardware easier.
  5. I am interested in whatever you happen to have. Thanks in advance.
  6. That was meant for general consumption, on the off chance that someone knows this particular Jim White.
  7. The 20MB ROM has this as the end: "COPYRIGHT BY JIM WHITE AND SUPRA CORPORATION (c)1985 092385"
  8. Is there a PBI ROM dump for the SupraDrive around somewhere?
  9. National Videogame Museum seems to have been donated some interesting Atari bits (links to a Facebook post):
  10. Also, at least one document shows it as a rebadged "Mannesmann Tally Riteman LQ".
  11. http://ftp.pigwa.net/stuff/collections/holmes cd/Holmes 2/Programming/Basic/T1027.BAS ?
  12. Maybe this is completely unrelated, but it seems odd to me that CLKIN keeps running when there's no data being received.
  13. I'm glad you're feeling better, and I hope you continue to do so.
  14. https://atariwiki.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=How to find the revision number of Atari Basic The Wikipedia page on Atari BASIC also lists details.
  15. Maybe this is a kooky suggestion, but maybe it makes more sense to use the INTERRUPT or PROCEED line to signal that serial data is waiting, and then have the CPU poll for a block of data. Then the ESP8266 could buffer the data as necessary, and there would be fewer flow control issues.
  16. I tend to use either IDA Pro or da65 (from cc65) for 6502 disassembly.
  17. If you haven't seen it, this might help with bandwidth: https://developers.cloudflare.com/distributed-web/ipfs-gateway/ I've seen at least one other site use it as a distributed mirror.
  18. It's been 10 years, so it seems like a good time to necro this thread. But seriously, I was just looking this over and thinking about it, and I was wondering why you're using start and stop bits in these tests? Aren't they superfluous when you have the clock signal to let you know when each bit is valid?
  19. I found this while bumbling around: https://github.com/AntonioND/ucity
  20. A few more details, from one of the authors: "it started out life as an AMIS system, but we added an account system and message forum to make it look and feel like a FoReM system." It was pretty popular in the Miami area, along with Carina (which was based out of Palm Beach). I used to run the non-XE version long, long ago. I'll ask around and see if I can find anyone who happens to still have it.
  21. Technical Difficulties (or "TD") was written by a pair of guys in the Miami area. It worked with MPP modems and required The Translator disk. It later became Technical Difficulties XE ("TDXE") and required Basic XE. One of the authors ran a BBS called "The Tardis" (not to be confused with Atardis or any other software package).
  22. I swear I made this work with control-R before, but I can't seem to reproduce it. I'll keep poking at it.
  23. If you haven't seen it before: https://6502bench.com/ Currently only includes a disassembler called SourceGen, but it would appear that other tools are on their way.
  24. I didn't think the full thing was done with the Atari, but some of the really simple stuff looks like Gr.9-11 pixels to me. Like the pixels going on behind the hands clapping at the very beginning, for example. Maybe it's wishful thinking or I'm imagining things.
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