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Everything posted by ti99_forever

  1. "Wired" as opposed to "wireless". Originally, the 99/4 was to have wireless joysticks, with more than one value returned. -4 to 4 for halfway, -8 to 8 for full way. I missed the memory added info when they changed to the newer style manuals.
  2. And so are most of us (nearly)
  3. Subprograms don't have access to global variables. Anything needed needs to be passed. I see FOR I=1 TO N but N isn't passed to it, or initialized inside it.
  4. Irwin Hott, a name I recognize. He bought a copy of my Dezip program way back. Upon finding he was blind, I added sound prompts to assist so he would know when to change disks.
  5. Irwin Hott, a name I recognize. He bought a copy of my Dezip program way back. Upon finding he was blind, I added sound prompts to assist so he would know when to change disks.
  6. Giving Europeans an unfair advantage in competitions!
  7. Or I did use the 80 column version. It had a bug (during printing?) that required going to the 40 column version. I had a Mechatronics 80 col card at the time.
  8. Thanks, Dano! The key was the length on your Grom file... I had calculated A000. I appreciate it, thanks again! Ben
  9. Ed, you're right... they are simply V9T9 format files. Tursi sent me them, but I can't get it to work in Classic99. Perhaps the files he sent are messed up? For anyone interested, here is the entry in classic99.ini I have for SXB [usercart0] ; *** Super XB - works name="Super XB" rom0=C|6000|2000|MODS\SUPERXBC.BIN rom1=D|6000|2000|MODS\SUPERXBD.BIN rom2=G|6000|A000|MODS\SUPERXBG.BIN I get a prompt, but when I hit enter, it locks up really pretty! 'X' instead of 'D' for rom1 doesn't work. rom2's A000 is the length of the GROM file, but I did try 2000 and no luck at all. Ben
  10. I'm still trying to get my system up and running at present... it is in pieces, and my TI keyboard needs cleaning.
  11. I bought this from the company itself. I can't remember how much it was, I think maybe $30? Really cool program... wrote a couple songs myself.
  12. I've got the cart and those files. I'm looking for a ROM file for Classic 99 emulator. I think I paid $90 for it too... I miss the CALL CAT, the REDO key (RXB removes that), and the CALL for RUN. The additions make TIXB seem rather limited... esp the RESequence command and TRACE to a file is cool. Ben
  13. Hi, I'm looking for Super Extended Basic for Classic99. I see a post here referencing it. I'm sure many love RXB, but I'm rather fond of SXB, and wrote a lot of stuff using it back in the day. Is there a site that has cartridges setup for Classic99? I've not had much luck in the past... Ben
  14. Good, someone read the manual! It just sets that stupid bit is all...
  15. Me guesses you guys don't have access to a TI Extended Basic manual? Specifically, the SAVE section? SAVE DSK1.GAME,PROTECTED ring any bells? You can't LIST or EDIT a PROTECTED program. Only RUN it!
  16. Munchman looked like 2600 Pac Man? No. Much better. TI Invaders looked like 2600 Space Invaders? No. Much better. I could go down a list if I had one handy. Yes, some were not so great - especially the early ones. But I can't agree with your statement.
  17. I'm active in a bunch of retro game/computer areas on yahoo but that wasn't good enough for the moderator, they wanted me to answer a ridiculously personal questionnaire and I said no so I was rejected. That's been a couple years ago and unless the policy has changed I'm not going to bother applying again. That questionnaire is only to weed out the spammers and harvesters. Tom told me he doesn't even really care what you enter there. But it isn't the only TI group. There is also swpb and TI994A groups...
  18. Ah, the "mythical" add-a-keyboard on a colecovision to make it into a computer. Then they came out with the Adam. They should've stuck to their original idea, I think. Notice the printer is NOT powering the computer!
  19. I have a shitload of games I've done that I could put in this crapetition...
  20. Well, I've an RS232 breakout box, probably came from Radio Shack, you just move the wires around. Comes in very handy.
  21. Have you tried some color tests from TI Basic? I remember my 9938 giving some slightly different colors than the 9918A (but not blue instead of black). Sure you didn't have a lose connection? B/c now I remember getting weird color changes like that due to my poor soldering skills on my monitor cable I made for my 9938...
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