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Everything posted by retroclouds

  1. Think that the js99er emulator has a lot of potential forming the base of an IDE. If I'd to do something in that direction I'd probably use vscode as the editor part and integrate js99er into it. With vscode you could probably make a web rendition.
  2. Cool stuff. What would it take to turn the 32K into a 1MB SAMS card? https://www.unige.ch/medecine/nouspikel/ti99/superams.htm You can‘t have enough low-cost 1MB SAMS cards out there. 😀
  3. Doing an action game in TI logo II would likely make the game fast and responsive. Where there any done in the past?
  4. Thanks for sharing, that is most interesting. It you are referring to slurm as the resource manager for supercomputers, it does sound as a precursor. Coincidentally, the TI-99/4a got me into IT and scientific computing. I normally don't talk about my day job, but for the last 5 years I've been responsible for resource scheduling on our shops' supercomputer. We're using PBS (Portable Batch System) as scheduler, which also originated at NASA. Seems going full circle here 👍
  5. Winter is coming, and I’d sure like to use the Strangecart for some projects (I have TI basic integration in Stevie working, at least on the fly decrunching to the editor. Crunching source text in editor to TI basic tokens is next). Having a TI Basic performance boost would really be nice. Are you planning on doing future hardware changes? What are the plans for Strangecart availability. I’d like to get my hands on one for sure 😀 I’m not so worried about strangecart software upgrades, that’s part of the fun I’d say. Seeing how strangecart further evolves.
  6. Thanks Al for your hard work on this. It is much appreciated! 😀
  7. Next project: Implement a file server on the Centurion so that the TI-99/4a can write some files to those big platters ?
  8. Also want to start using the assembler on my real TI-99/4a. One of the next things on my list is integrating the assembler in Stevie. Will see how that goes.
  9. I watched the video of the commodore 64 version and that one has quite some additional features (software wise). Pulling off the backbit for all those systems is quite an accomplishment. Wonder if the menu system is running on the home computer side or if most of it is running on the backbit side and home computer side is used for output and input.
  10. Thanks, that's quite the feature you pulled of there. What I find most interesting is that the design is in such way that the DSR is copied from RAM. My interest is having a platform where I can easily test my own DSRs. This seems a perfect fit. I wonder what it would take to have a bigger SRAM in there and make it bankswitch, something like a SAMS "lite" (would probably have an incompatible bank-switching method as that would be controlled by the Arduino and would have to come up with a custom method to control bank-switching from the TI side).
  11. Can you share some details on the 32K/DSR chip on the adapter board that plugs into the sideport? Is that a RAM chip and is the DSR copied to RAM space?
  12. https://www.ebay.de/itm/255574879153?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=707-127634-2357-0&ssspo=5y1xMoiNQfW&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=EJfVC6FkS6K&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Is the device on top of the cartridge box shown in the pictures anything TI-99/4a related? (see pictures 5 and 6)
  13. It's really great to see more interest in TI Basic. With all its shortcomings it's still no language to poopoo on. I feel that -compared to other languages such as Extended Basic- there's a lot more unknown territory to explore. So it's great to see what people like @senior_falcon, @speccery and @pixelpedant are doing in that area. Myself I got rather fond of TI Basic while working on its integration in Stevie. Should do a proper video, it's kinda cool having multiple TI Basic sessions open at the same time and jumping back and forth between sessions)
  14. Thank you Tursi. Looking forward trying the new features.
  15. Makes me wonder if xas99 should support version strings. Haven’t checked if that is already the case (ofcourse it’s always possible to do something with conditional defines) Anyway, that’s one of the reasons why I like to stay as long as possible on a particular xas99 version. Having said that, For my own needs I’m currently building a docker image for the xdt99 tools. With that in place I can have multiple container images supporting the different xdt99 versions out there. For building the container image you specify what version you’d like to have and everything else happens automatically, python image is fetched from dockerhub and xdt99 source code from github, and so on. Thinking about it further you could have a batch file that builds the necessary container image, fetches the TI-99/4a assembly project from github and assembles it.
  16. Hi people, this is to let you know that all links that refer to documents/binaries/zips on my http://aa-ti994a.oratronik.de subdomain will move to https://oratronik.de/atariage/... in the next few days. Moving away from that subdomain because my fricking ISP provider wants to charge me more money for doing SSL on subdomains. In its current state, milage on many of the links may vary, depending on the browser and browser version you are using. Reason is due to more enforced security policy restrictions in modern browsers like chrome and the like. Will report back when done. And now back to the fun TI-99/4a stuff ?
  17. Turns out the cool guys have a TI-99/4a sooner or later. I started following "usagi eletric" on Youtube because of his most interesting work on the Centurion mini-computer. Well it turned out, he likes to use Multiplan on the TI-99/4a to keep track of the Centurion opcodes.
  18. Mind sharing how programming the Digital VAX 11/780 CPU compares to the TMS9900 CPU? Probably would have gotten the chance at work to take a Digital VAX home, but missed-up on that opportunity as at the time I had no space whatsoever. Always liked the smooth scrolling of the VAX console/terminal though, but didn’t do any programming on that machine.
  19. Yes, that would offer many possibilities with minimal software changes. Getting software packages to “share” a SAMS card is almost impossible (except maybe for ForceCommand and Stevie) where full-source code is available. But with the “ultimate sams” and minimal code changes you could switch from one environment to the next where each have their full 1MB SAMS without stepping on eachothers toes.
  20. No particular choice, whatever fits you best. If necesary, it could make sense to make the debugger window a bit taller and/or wider? Monitor resolution has increased a lot in the last decade, so it’s not that much of an issue anymore? (I’d very much prefer that the SAMS register values are displayed in hex though,and not in decimal) Either way, happy with anything you come up with. ?
  21. I’d like to throw in some ideas for an ultimate SAMS expansion card to the TI-99/4a (either as sidecar or PEB card) Specs: Memory size beyond 1MB, e.g. 8,16,32,64,128 Newly designed card using a todays memory chips Partioning the SAMS card in multiple virtual 1MB SAMS cards. Must be compatible with existing 1MB sams card, respond on same CRU Additional CRU address for switching to other virtual SAMS card Some of the features of Thierrys HAMS board https://www.unige.ch/medecine/nouspikel/ti99/hams.htm Ability to map to cartridge space (great for testing cartridge software) Ability to map to DSR space I am particular interested in the possibility to have multiple virtual SAMS cards. With a smal control program (assembly language) you could have the possibility to have multiple SAMS software programs working together. Each with its own isolated memory partition so to say, without having to rewrite the full software stack.
  22. Hi @Tursi would you consider adding the SAMS registers to the classic99 debugger? I know that any changes to the SAMS registers are traced in the debug pane as a log line. Still it would be helpful to see the SAMS register content in a similar way as is the case for CPU registers.
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