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Everything posted by David_P

  1. MULE is a hybrid - you are competing, but must cooperate enough to not lose the game.
  2. The main technological limitation is the lack of a flux capacitor and a DeLorean.
  3. Landon Dyer's blog (now only on archive.org) had a number of interesting stories about his time at Atari, including the day the Tramiels arrived. https://web.archive.org/web/20200601213008/https://dadhacker-125488.ingress-alpha.easywp.com/
  4. All you need is a parallel cable and a printer driver https://www.newegg.com/epson-expression-xp-4200-4-color-micropiezo-inkjet-technology/p/N82E16828129757
  5. Hadn't considered the main thread modification question In the situation I'm considering there could be elements from three banks plus main memory on display at the same time - a 1024 x 256 image, in ANTIC E, with a header in GRAPHICS 0.
  6. Assuming I have the display list safely outside of $4000-7FFF, would it be possible to use a DLI to switch banks, and have ANTIC generate the screen display from different banks?
  7. Atariwriter does not work yet (I suspect AW80 can be patched...)
  8. The 400/800 boot speed issue also affects FujiNet. Would there be value in a slightly modified 400/800 OS with a delay loop in the coldstart routine, to support the A8Pico and the Fujinet?
  9. Display as bitmaps in Graphics 8, then play with the DL to switch to Graphics 4 or Graphics 6
  10. You are correct: the three lines in question move the character from ROM to RAM, then redefine a total of 16 + 7 characters. There's a line somewhere that includes "POKE 756,40"; if you remove that as well, then I suspect the program will run but not have the redefined graphics. There's a version at Atarimania: https://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-wild-strawberries_16753.html Question: Which DOS are you running? On an emulated 400, with 16K of RAM, once you've got a DOS loaded there's not a heck of a lot of RAM available; I suspect the program is clobbering itself.
  11. Or a 6532, to give you 128 bytes of additional RAM
  12. The Cart port is probably less than optimal. There is no interrupt line; the PBI does have one. That's a significant limitation that creates a lot of polling overhead.
  13. That HAM operator - she's two doors to the north, actually...
  14. MULE can use paddles, as long as there's one joystick available.
  15. https://corei64.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=444
  16. Multiplayer (including online): 8-bit Slicks https://8bit-slicks.com/
  17. Why would I conveniently go to a website when I could instead download an ATX, load it on to a modern mass storage device for an Atari, boot my Atari, fiddle with BASIC, then spend hours learning a long forgotten obsolete skill solely to read a post on an online forum?
  18. I think there's a better option. http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-morse-code-tutor_13296.html
  19. ANALOG (#35 I think) had the G: driver that would print ATASCI, GR.8, and even custom character sets.
  20. Was that a commercial product, or type in? About what time frame - want to keep my eyes open next time I'm skimming scans of old magazines.
  21. As I recall, there's a similar issue with FujiNet; the shorter boot time on the 400/80 means the device hasn't sufficiently initialized when the computer attempts to boot. The solution tere is an external power supply - not really an option for a cartridge.
  22. I for one am relieved that MULE compatibility remains the critical test for all your hardware hacking.
  23. I think I found this here on AtariAge and saved it... there's two versions of the OS, few 90K ATRs and various other bits of info. Turbo_816.zip
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