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Posts posted by cjherr

  1. 54 minutes ago, S.D.W. said:

    Terrific, thank you for testing and confirming the fix! 


    Just a note that my next release is in progress and about 50% finished. This game is an arcade port. :)

    Can't wait!

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  2. 46 minutes ago, Games For Your Intellivision said:

    I have an upcoming  Elektronite release this year, and this model is not something that I wish to use for it. It is an original concept and one of my testers says it is potential GOTY material. That being said, it is going to be a risk to produce the game, and I hope to find community support for the title. I don't see the GBUE model working in other situations where a game is not well known by many and has no fan base already. 

    I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for this!

  3. Here's how I would categorize. Others can correct me if I've missed the mark.


    Homebrew Games


    Baby Berks
    Biscuits in Hell!
    Cross Bomber - Fabrizio Caruso
    Cross Chase - Fabrizio Caruso
    Cross Horde - Fabrizio Caruso
    Cross Shoot - Fabrizio Caruso
    Delta Space Arena - Peter J. Meyer
    Duck's Ahoy
    Fast Food
    Galactic Chase
    Gebelli (4 games - Andromeda, Embargo, Firebird, Match Racer) - Mark Keats
    Megaoids - Peter J Meyer
    Rob 'n' Banks
    Runner Bear
    Shuriken - Fabrizio Caruso
    Snake - Fabrizio Caruso
    Stinger - Fabrizio Caruso
    Verbix - Fabrizio Caruso
    Yahtzee 2121


    Atari 5200 Ports


    Bowling (2600 port)
    Dropzone (8-bit conversion)
    Enduro (2600 port)
    E.T. Phone Home! (8-bit conversion)
    Freeway (2600 port)
    Frostbite (2600 port)
    Jet Boot Jack (8-bit conversion)
    Journey to the Planets (8-bit conversion)
    Kid Grid (8-bit conversion)
    Necromancer (8-bit conversion)
    Oils Well (8-bit conversion)
    Pooyan (8-bit conversion)
    Rainbow Walker (8-bit conversion)
    Rampage (8-bit conversion)
    Sea Dragon (8-bit conversion)
    Shamus Case II (8-bit conversion)
    Speed Ace (8-bit conversion)
    Tenny (2600 Tennis port)

    Atari 5200 Prototypes


    Astro Grover




    Crazy Otto (Ms. Pac-Man hack)
    Dreadnaught Factor II (Dreadnaught Factor hack)
    Missle Command + (Missle Command hack)

  4. Here are some more games I have found that I don't see on the list. Some are roms, others are carts. I really can't give you much more information other than "I found or purchased them", but hopefully, it will be helpful.


    Astro Grover

    Baby Berks

    Biscuits in Hell!



    Bowling (2600 port)

    Crazy Otto

    Cross Bomber - Fabrizio Caruso

    Cross Chase - Fabrizio Caruso

    Cross Horde - Fabrizio Caruso

    Cross Shoot - Fabrizio Caruso

    Delta Space Arena - Peter J. Meyer

    Dreadnaught Factor II



    Duck's Ahoy

    E.T. Phone Home!

    Enduro (2600 port)

    Fast Food

    Freeway (2600 port)

    Frostbite (2600 port)

    Galactic Chase

    Gebelli (4 games - Andromeda, Embargo, Firebird, Match Racer) - Mark Keats

    Jet Boot Jack

    Journey to the Planets

    Kid Grid

    Megaoids - Peter J Meyer

    Missle Command +


    Oils Well



    Rainbow Walker



    Rob 'n' Banks

    Runner Bear


    Sea Dragon

    Shamus Case II

    Shuriken - Fabrizio Caruso

    Snake - Fabrizio Caruso

    Speed Ace

    Stinger - Fabrizio Caruso

    Tenny (2600 Tennis port)


    Verbix - Fabrizio Caruso


    Yahtzee 2121


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