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Andrew Davie

+AtariAge Subscriber
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Status Replies posted by Andrew Davie

  1. The division symbol ÷ has a name: it's called an "obelus."

  2. The division symbol ÷ has a name: it's called an "obelus."

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      I wonder if you, too, learned this from a discussion on the use of this on - I think - a newish SwissMicros calculator being developed.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. The irony of wondering how to do something with the TIA, and searching online for it, only to find the first link explaining how it works was written by me... 20 years ago. Thank you, me.


    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      Yes, I already thanked past me. I must have been thinking of future me when I wrote it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. I am selling my only copy of '2600 Boulder Dash.


  5. Hooray, was able to order a Pluscart! They are back in stock :D

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      I have parts for 3 or 4, but printing shells will depend on my printer feeling up to the task.

      Essentially, the print surface is now a bit dodgy so the texturing might be a bit off.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. The very first video game I ever ever played was released in 1974. Here's a video (not mine) of it in action. Ah, the memories... 



    Game runs on pure logic... no CPU or ROMS.

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      I played it in the mid/late '70s. It was sitting in an airport in Tasmania.

      I recall playing it well before space invaders was a thing.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. I was just reading a 1997 review article. for a 2GB flash drive for $500. Flash memory is over 1000x cheaper now than it was in 1997.

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      I did a similar calculation recently... here are my figures... I paid about AUS$400 for a 16KB RAM cartridge for my Atari 800 computer back in 1981 or so. In today's dollars that's about $1600. Now, I just purchased a pack of three 32GB USB sticks for around $14. By my back-of-the-envelope calculation, bits back then were about 250 million times more expensive than now!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Kind of interesting story on early consoles. Some of the story is not true/not verifiable, but still an interesting read  https://www.yahoo.com/news/nintendo-atari-black-engineer-changed-090805949.html

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      A few significant errors there, IMHO. This guy was not responsible for "literally creating an industry bigger than the movie industry". If you had to give that responsibility to anyone, it would be Ralph Baer. And the Channel F was not "the first video game console with interchangeable game cartridges".  That honour also goes to the Magnavox Odyssey - designed by Ralph. The article specifically states the Odyssey did not use interchangeable cartridges, but I have a dozen or so of them sitting right here, so there's that.  Yes, they were just circuits that rewired the console's electronics - but they were plug-in-game-cartridges nonetheless.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Do I need to outgas and fumigate my electronic parts from China?

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      It's a virus, so effectively not something you can 'kill' with some sort of spray.

      If you think you're at risk, then prevent ways of the virus entering your body. Wear a mask to avoid inhalation of airborn viral particles. Wash your hands after touching surfaces, to remove any viral contaminants from your skin before you (say) put your hands near your mouth.

      But, basically, we're pretty much doomed to watching this run its course, because people are stupid and the chances of preventing further spread - particularly with air travel between countries and the difficulty in telling if people are infected or not - is essentially zero. We're just going to have to wait and see how quickly things take off. But my bet is that the Olympics are cancelled, we see fairly major epidemics - particularly in Asian countries - and a worldwide loss of life in the tens of thousands. Perhaps more. But, I'd love to be wrong on this.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. I just read someone's top-5 Atari 2600 homebrew games list, the top 4 of which are ARM games. 

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      There are ARM games and LEG games. Get with it, wiz!


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. It only JUST occurred to me. All my life I've been saying "Zed-80" and "6502", whereas probably most Americans say "Zee-80". Never thought about it before... how weird... "zee 80" WTF is that?

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      "... now I know fuck all, won't you sing with me...."


    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  12. It only JUST occurred to me. All my life I've been saying "Zed-80" and "6502", whereas probably most Americans say "Zee-80". Never thought about it before... how weird... "zee 80" WTF is that?

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      So the Welsh sing... "TUV... W.. X, Y and ... fuck all"

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      Well, come on then... point 'em out and we can discuss. He's a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and former Research Fellow in Philosophy. He's eminently qualified on this issue. It will be interesting to see what errors he's made. Have at it.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. My two year old is constantly climbing chairs, couches, stairs, people, counter-tops, heating units, you name it.  We have nicknamed her "Crazy Climber" after the Atari 2600 game :) 

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      Their main goal until 4 or 5 years old is to try to kill themselves in any way possible. That's what it seemed like with ours, anyway.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. If only someone with oodles of $ could pay me some of them to write something '2600 for them. I'm looking for work, so if you're rolling in $ and lacking in cycle counting skills... hit me up!

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      :) no, but I think the days of making money programming '2600 games are long, long gone. I was just being whimsical.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. In the future, we will all have 3D printers, and they will all be hooked up to eBay, so 'Buy it Now' will become CREATE it now, and Presto!, you got your product!

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      The printers will be biological/organic and you'll choose "grow it now"

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Tried to ask my dermatoligist why there seems to be a huge rash of necrobumps lately.

  17. When O'Reilly Auto sells you a "three year" battery, they mean it! I just replaced one that died today. It was purchased on 6/19/16.

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      What would your view be if inside the battery case is a clock/processor which specifically kills the battery at the 3 year mark?  Still OK with that?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. My Tinnitus is louder and is awful. Noise makes it louder. Electric guitar, me being stupid, and my old expensive amplifier did it too me. Cleans and not a lot of distortion.

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      If you play a tone of the same frequency through headphones, it can actually mask the ringing. Give it a go.


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Gas could soon hit $5 in California

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      US$5 gallon. That's 3.6 litres. Here in Oz it is about US$1.20 a litre, which is about US$4.30 a gallon.


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. I was over at the in-laws earlier, and I blew this one snot. It shot out and ended up somewhere on the knick-knack table, I think. Not sure. Everytime the room was clear I conducted a search in the area. No such luck. I just know they're gonna find it next week. It was the size of a cornflake!

    1. Andrew Davie

      Andrew Davie

      *walks around all day with a corn-flake snot stuck to his earlobe, aka "something about mary"


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. 8-bit tech demos in a nutshell: Me: theres no way thats possible! Demo:

  22. No QB quits on a play like Tom Brady. Doesn't see a receiver he wants to throw to? Throw it in the dirt. Pressure from the MLB, just sit down and take the sack. And this is the best QB in the league? Please

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