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Vic George 2K3

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Everything posted by Vic George 2K3

  1. Looks like Peter Pepper is flicking cigar ashes on a fried egg.
  2. I've only had the Slim for a few years, and so far it's still working perfectly, but only because I don't play with it so often.
  3. Not paying that much for a game that I can't physically own.
  4. Yeah, sure...tell that to THIS character and see if he agrees with you.
  5. I don't like the idea of some people wanting the Legend Of Zelda series to be forced into a "2D graphics prison" (or to be more precise, a "16-bit overhead-view 2D graphics prison") in much the same fashion that a good deal of cartoon fans want their favorite characters to remain trapped in a "2D animation prison". Granted, some games (and cartoons) just don't look very good (or in the case of games, play very good) in 3D. but I can see worse stagnation if a game series isn't allowed to evolve and try things that haven't been tried before in the series.
  6. When you make anything that's either popular or unpopular, you're going to get criticism. The thing is, there will be fans of any story franchise who are not going to like what's being done in the latest installment of their franchise and want to act as if they have stock and leverage in the franchise to the point where anything the person in charge of the franchise does to the franchise has to be run through those particular fans. And all the while, they tend to forget that THEY ARE NOT GOD(S) OF THE FRANCHISE, that the only "ultimate power" they have is simply not to buy, watch, read, or listen to anything that the people in charge of the franchise put out if it doesn't meet their standards. Maybe those in charge of the franchise will listen to fan complaints and maybe they won't. But if those in charge of the franchise insist on doing things their way regardless of fan complaints and suggestions, given that they have to deal with the fact that fans aren't always in agreement with what they want in the franchise, then fans will have to remember their place and deal with it. As long as they don't pull something stupid like being Kathy Bates' character in the movie adaptation of Stephen King's Misery just because she didn't like the fact that the author of her favorite book series not only killed off her favorite character, but also ended the book series with the character's death because he wanted to move on to doing something else.
  7. Of the modern game system controllers with analog thumbsticks, I'd say the PlayStation Dual Shock is the winner as far as design and effectiveness, though the Xbox and Xbox 360 controllers come a close second. In fact, my PlayStation 3 has a controller hooked up to it that's similar in layout design to the Xbox 360 controller, and I seem to be using it a whole lot more than the Dual Shock. I think the biggest weakness of the N64 controller is that its thumbstick isn't very durable. Having it be the only thumbstick on a single controller for FPS games like Turok and Goldeneye 007 probably wasn't the best idea, either, what with having to rely on the yellow C buttons for additional movement controls.
  8. That is, if they are still functioning as a corporation ten years from now.
  9. There's also the saying, "faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful". The truth may not always be a nice thing to say or even hear, but I'd rather be truthful and let the truth be the only thing that offends people.
  10. To be very frank, my saying that the cabinet looks interesting but that Atari could have done a better version of it was NOT meant to be harsh at all. It's just an honest opinion, and someone wants to treat it like I'm saying that the cabinet "sucks snow balls" as does its creator (putting it mildly), which is NOT AT ALL what I'm saying or trying to say -- and that kind of opinion would TRULY be harsh. I can't control what people think of other people's opinions, but I won't apologize for having honest opinions or what I actually mean by them. To say that a homemade cabinet looks interesting is NOT meant to be an insult -- in fact, design-wise, the Yars' Revenge cabinet shown in this thread beats others that I have seen that were designed with multiple arcade games in mind. But I just can't ignore the fact that it looks rather plain compared to what Atari could have done for such a cabinet had they even thought of releasing Yars' Revenge as an arcade game back in the day. As far as anyone else making a better-looking cabinet for the game, even I would have to admit defeat in that area.
  11. Pretty much any publishing house that used to do their own software development is now just a shell of its former self, and in some cases a pretty fragile hollow shell.
  12. This sounds like a bad, belated, and totally lacking-any-sense-of-humor April Fool's joke.
  13. Well, Crazy Climber, you want to be a jerk, that;'s your decision, but you don't know me. If you don't like my opinions, ignore me, but I'm not going to shut up because of you.
  14. Multiplayer in any FPS game should be treated like DVD and Blu-Ray bonus features, NOT like an essential feature for any FPS game. That said, I can see where rail-jumping could be useful for a multiplayer version of the game.
  15. I wasn't trying to be harsh, but all the same, I'm not going to lie when it comes to my honest opinion.
  16. Watching the playthroughs, I like how they incorporate turn-of-the-century versions of modern-day songs into the Columbia setting. At the beach where Booker and Elizabeth end up after their escape from the tower on Monument Island, you hear "Girls Just Want To Have Fun", which fits the scene as Elizabeth runs around the beach and sees things that she has never seen before like an excited school girl. ("Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world.") Later on at a bar in a shanty town section of Columbia, you hear "Tainted Love", and then also later on a black woman sings "Fortunate Son". The original versions of "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" and "Fortunate Son" can be heard in various places through tears.
  17. Interesting, but back in the day, I think Atari could have made a better-looking arcade cabinet for the game if they so desired.
  18. Just to give personal context to this, I played Dragon Age II as female Hawks simply out of preference. Not because of that "if I have to look at someone's ass all day, I'd rather look at a pretty ass" reason. And not because I really want to be a female either. And for romances, I prefered playing them straight, because I still think heterosexual kissing is a big turn-on. I have no interest in having my female Hawks be lesbians even if I wanted to play the game over as a female Hawk with a different body and skill sets. That may be what some guys would do with their female Hawks, but I'm not one of them and I wouldn't assume that every man born on this earth is programmed to have interest in any lesbian activity. Fortunately this is an option when it comes to romance, even as bizarre as to have four of the main love interests of Dragon Age II be adaptable to either sex. But to just limit a game to a female protagonist kissing a female character of any sort in a sexual/romantic context simply out of fear of "leading lady hero games don't sell to guys" or based on the "wisdom" that "(lesbian) sex sells a game to guys"? You can have that sort of game if that's your desire. I refuse to buy it.
  19. I'm not a big fan of sports games, but if they are Mario or Sonic-related, I might be interested in it.
  20. Try playing Turmoil with the trackball.
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