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Everything posted by Cyprian

  1. cool game, one remark - it could be a bit faster
  2. If I remember correctly Cubase uses the right mouses button for zoom in/out
  3. looks like NTSC artifacts Good example of that is Atai XL Hires game Ultima IV. Here hires with no artifacts (emu) and here with NTSC artifacts:
  4. well done @42bs and thanks for sharing the source code as I have no JagGD I encourage you to prepare a loader for Skunk
  5. If I remember correctly the right mouse button is just the fire in the Joystick port, therefore if you use both ports then there is no need to connect the ring mouse button.
  6. I wonder if it would be possible to make a transparent overlay, under which you can put your own paper print
  7. ok, last year I had similar issue with RMAC and Jag' 68000 code. I've just checked MADS and it works fine but the generated code is for XL.
  8. Is there any workaround for that? Instead of dc.w I would like to use some instructions like sta REPT 10 sta Sufit+counter counter SET counter+$10 ENDR
  9. When I tried to built a table with indexes I faced an issue with REPT and variables. "Sufit" points to address $021d nop nop dc.w Sufit counter SET 0 REPT 10 ECHO "counter: %Hcounter Sufit:%HSufit" dc.w Sufit+counter counter SET counter+$10 ENDR nop nop Sufit: dc.w 0 ECHO shows me (values for "Sufit" are wrong): counter: $0 Sufit:$205 counter: $10 Sufit:$207 counter: $20 Sufit:$209 counter: $30 Sufit:$20b counter: $40 Sufit:$20d counter: $50 Sufit:$20f counter: $60 Sufit:$211 counter: $70 Sufit:$213 counter: $80 Sufit:$215 counter: $90 Sufit:$217 But in Felix I see that first dc.w is ok "$1d02" but inside REPT values are not increased and wrong: "$BD02"
  10. cool, and the frame rate is also cool.
  11. Not sure if you've noticed, but there's a nice case available for CTPCI: https://atarifan.pl/produkt/ptodt-obudowa-ctpci-atari-falcon/ This case is released under the auspices of the "Polish Society for the Protection of Technical Heritage": https://ptodt.org.pl/
  12. 4 bytes at once? If I remember correctly the DSP has 16bit data path to the main ram.
  13. just awesome, it is worth to add this video:
  14. https://www.atariworld.org/tos-rom/ http://www.avtandil.narod.ru/tose.html
  15. I see 12V on these 520ST and 1040STf schematics: https://archive.org/details/Atari_520ST_Schematic_1985/page/n1/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/Atari_1040STf_Schematic_1986_Atari/page/n1/mode/2up
  16. cool, I wonder how the device (e.g. FDI) informs the Falcon about number of outputs.
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