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Everything posted by Neuronic

  1. As someone who has made 2600 games, for me they are a labor of love so I give them away free in Rom form. But as someone who knows the amount of effort that goes into them, I do not want to hold back the creativity that's unleashed by the potential profit if you develop to the standards of creators like Champ Games. I'm totally okay with paying 20 dollars for Roms of that caliber, if it means more like them are in our future!
  2. https://github.com/nickbild/combat some assembly required. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWltQ9UN5vE
  3. Writing any O2 game is on my bucket list. It was my first real console as a kid. I wish I had a Harmony style cart that I could test my code on the real O2 hardware. The emulators seem a bit off to be trusted.
  4. Just received this for Christmas from my wife! Kinda helped that my Christmas list only had a single item on it.
  5. Wow! That's one BIG ROM!!! Nice job!
  6. Kdgarris, Great looking and playing game!!!! You wrote: "However, there is still a serious bug in the display of the score where digits are repeated after 1,000 points. I don't yet know a way to work around this issue." For what it's worth, I see this with all bB developed games that use the 6 digit score, mine included. The emulator with the Flashback Portable has soooo many issues! Anyway I asked Nukey Shay to take a peek at some of my games and he fixed the score display bug. He disassembled by .bin and switched a thing or two and posted the corrected versions on the flashback compatibility tread. Sadly, I don't think it can be fixed in bB directly as his fix was working around a bug in the portable emulator. You'll probably drive yourself crazy looking into this but here is a link to his comments when he created the fixed binaries that work with the portable. related comment "Score fixed by hitting RESP's 2 cycles earlier, and shifting both HM's 2 pixels left." Link: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/259166-flashback-portable-needed-controller-hacks/?p=3694010 If you ever find a way to correct this, probably possible in the bB score code somewhere in the include\std_kernel.asm, score_graphics.asm or the pf_drawing.asm files please post it!
  7. Just a quick look & thought, I may be missing something... The line that reads if bally > player0y || bally < player0y + 2 then goto _skip_to_p0_y_reflect is this really an "or", should it be a "and"? (line 283)
  8. Simple but fun! The essence of a good 2 player Atari game!
  9. I needed to update this thread with a link to my 2600 ports of Pick Axe Pete and UFO! http://atariage.com/forums/topic/262523-odtari-odyssey2-games-made-atari-2600-style/
  10. Looks great! Easy to pick-up-and-play!
  11. Damn portable! I still think they are great to have but they just have so many emulation issues... You might want to try and enlist some help on the Flashback Portable Controller Fix thread: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/259166-flashback-portable-needed-controller-hacks/
  12. Whoohoo! I'm ready to buy! I cannot wait!
  13. Regarding the Charles Tweety Buzz-Off kit I just purchased on on eBay. He has a great document including a full size color picture printout of the circuit board with the actual wires taped to the actual points you'll attach them to on your system. He also has some good videos on you-tube, after watching the videos, I decided to purchase one and install it. The process is not to complex, you must - pull off your volume knob, - open your Vectrex (5 screws), - use wire cutters to permanently remove a small yellow/braided shielding cable, - disconnect 4 simple cable connections (two are on a cable you will not re-attach, - remove the mounted plastic base with the circuit board on it (5 screws), - solder 2 wires to large existing solder points for sound out and ground on the front edge, - and then insert the last orange wire into an open unused component pad/hole and solder that, ...all solder points pretty easy to identify and get to. - then if necessary, you can cleanup your volume/power knob with contact cleaner and inject some dielectric gel to make it as good as new, - connect two of original connectors and plug the speaker into the new amp, - button it back up and you're done (20 minutes). The tricky part is putting the back back on and getting the brightness pot to poke back through the hole, he has a great trick where you use a straw to guide it back through. It's obvious he took great pains to make it as easy as possible and thought through the entire process end-to-end. You can tell he understands how much we love our systems and I absolutely appreciate the care he has taken in developing this kit and process!
  14. I first saw the Odyssey 2 in a Service Merchandise catalog in 1979. That became my Christmas wish list #1 item and that Christmas goes down as my most memorable. Of course I got the pack in cart Speedway/Spin-Out/Crypro-Logic, other Carts that came that same Christmas were Football (the only video game I ever remember playing with my dad was this one, and we played it that day!), Baseball, and Armored Encounter/Sub Chase. The next Christmas my friends started getting their own systems, namely Atari VCS and Sears Tele-Game VCS clones and the "who has the best games war" began... I have been an Odyssey 2 fan and have all but one of the Magnavox titles (Power Lords) CIB. One of my joysticks went bad so I rewired them to use Atari VCS compatible joysticks and ultimately built my own Arcade sticks to use with both Atari and Odyssey 2. Now for a confession, I may have recently crossed a sacred line... I ported UFO and Pick Axe Pete over to the Atari 2600 and a tongue-and-cheek take on K.C. Munchkin having a nightmare trapped in a 2600 system. These are far from exact ports, for one thing the Odyssey 2 can do way more sprites which made my job of porting pretty tricky, I had to cut back on some features and change things up a bit, just to keep the spirit of the original game-play alive. I'll post the link below to my ODtari thread below if anyone is interested, 2600connection.com is also releasing UFO and Handy Pick Hank (my version of Pick Axe Pete) on carts soon. http://atariage.com/forums/topic/262523-odtari-odyssey2-games-made-atari-2600-style/ I'm already a member of the videopac.nl forum and posted an article there many years back explaining how I modded my joystick ports.Search For: "Odyssey2 Controller Repair / Modification to also use Atari 2600 Joysticks" Thanks for getting the Brotherhood going!
  15. My picture was too dark until I removed the 75ohm resistor between the ground and video out. Got much brighter but not as bright as before the mod.
  16. Updated Hand Pick Hank to version 20170415. I'm not planning additional changes unless a game breaking bug is found.
  17. Updated Hand Pick Hank to version 20170415. I'm not planning additional changes unless a game breaking bug is found.
  18. Thanks for the review video! It really helps me out to hear player reactions. The answer to how far along is this game is: well, I have hit the 4k boundary so any more work on this would go into bank switching. I may take it there, for example, I took out the ladder climb animations and simplified the jumping so I could have room for more interesting sounds. What you see is the result of many trade-offs to distill the basic action and fun of the original Odyssey2 game into the 4k rom footprint. if you play it some more you may notice some less obvious moves like using a combination of ladder climbing with a directional jump from the top (right or left + up + jump at the right moment). Also, did you notice that you can use a door to get thrown up one level and with a combination ladder jump you can get even one more level higher out of it! (I have logged many hours of game play as I wrote it and found many strange moves that I'll call "features", since many of my favorite games have tricks that seasoned players like to use that are kind of learned over time, I decided to leave them in there). You noticed one of safe places I left in the level, I figured they would be nice to accidentally find and give marathon players a good way to take a break. the door top one is one of the two safe places I know of, both are not perfectly safe though...you noticed the yellow boulder that goes only left and right, and does not fall? These come from two boulders (purple and green I believe) crossing paths in just the right way, they do two things, first, they can generate keys and secondly, they turn to gold (yellow) and stay on the same level. these are worth more points than normal boulders and can kill you if you are standing in a safe place on that same row. So the best scenario is to get lucky and have a gold bolder on another row, and then your safe spot is truly safe, until you get tired of doing nothing. The white dot at the bottom is a sad representation of a trap door where non-gold boulders escape and get transported back to one of the doors above. I do like the fact that it could also represents the one life! Yes the squished jump graphic is a bit weird, I tried many things out, but Its current form used the least memory and left room for other game elements. So I guess I'm done with what I'll call the 4k version unless some game stopping bug rears its ugly head. <<---- Update just updated to version 20070415 to clean up the climbing and jump a bit. Glad you found it interesting enough for a video! John Reder <--- you got the pronunciation right!
  19. Hmmm... I also liked that game! I'll add it to my list of candidates for an Atari2600 port!
  20. The original game does not do this but I discovered that with the right moves it is possible to jump from the ladder and reach some platforms.
  21. Hope you enjoy it. I just fixed a bug with the pick. Make sure you download the latest version 20170412. Also let me know if you uncover any bugs while playing it. http://atariage.com/forums/topic/262523-odtari-odyssey2-games-made-atari-2600-style/
  22. I just did it ... http://atariage.com/forums/topic/262523-odtari-odyssey2-games-made-atari-2600-style/
  23. Okay here is my latest entry in the ODtari series... Handy Pick Hank! (inspired by Pick Axe Pete!) Feedback welcome! Visit my website for other 2600 games I've made: TacticalNeuronics.com ***Updated*** version 20170411 had a bug with the pick getting locked in the lower left. this updated ROM version 20170412 has fixed that condition. ***Updated*** version 20170415 improved ladder climb to be less jarring and jump graphics a bit based on player reactions to how they looked. Ladders are a bit easier to catch while in air! It is pretty complex under the hood so, please send feedback if you find any bugs. Reders_Handy_Pick_Hank_20170415.bin Reders_Handy_Pick_Hank_20170415.txt
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