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Status Replies posted by Flojomojo

  1. So is YouTube pretty much a dumpster fire now?

  2. So microwaves were smarter in 1980 than they are now?

  3. If you were previously using Facebook to login to AtariAge, it should now work again.

  4. Is it now for the sexy time?

  5. So are people still playing Pokemon Go, or is that over now?

  6. The word of the day is wigwam. Wigwam. W-i-g-w-a-m.

  7. We all know that sweet rhymes with meet and week rhymes with eek, so if sweat rhymes with wet, then weak should rhyme with heck. "That man is not strong, he's wek."

  8. Nintendo announces 2DS XL launch, redundant product lovers and Wii mini fans rejoice!

  9. Windows 10 tablets are pretty fun.

  10. In a world....


  12. Windows 10 tablets are pretty fun.

  13. Windows 10 tablets are pretty fun.

  14. Windows 10 tablets are pretty fun.

  15. This status update dedicated to those who like commenting on my frivolous posts.

  16. Microsoft really needs to make it easy to re-index/defrag the data on a drive in the XBox One.

  17. Is a ROM box better if it is produced by Nintendo?

  18. Went to Best buy this morning. NES Classic tickets were long gone. What a farce of a product offering.

  19. Just what I always wanted, my own little Centipede. I will name him George and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him. http://i.imgur.com/X1gMWMO.jpg

  20. Just what I always wanted, my own little Centipede. I will name him George and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him. http://i.imgur.com/X1gMWMO.jpg

  21. The ants have returned to the kitchen counter. My eye hurts. Wonderful day so far.

  22. The ants have returned to the kitchen counter. My eye hurts. Wonderful day so far.

  23. Tapas bar or topless bar?

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