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Everything posted by oyamafamily

  1. HERE'S MY SINGLE SUBMISSION FOR PARTICIPATION POINTS - 7,450 Since James Bond 007 is not one of my favorite games, my goal is to beat David Yancey's score: only 450 points!!
  2. MORE OYAMAFAMILY'S STRATEGY: SOLUTION FOR LEVEL 6: TIP ABOUT THE WEAPON: Use Energy Sword to kill Bear Trap, Potato Man, Chopper, and Machine; Sonic Blaster to kill Floater, Spinner, and Medusa; Particle Beam to kill the Squid, Stomper, and Ghost. Remember: use the Particle Beam sparingly to save your energy. 1F: One right, two down, one right, take take stairs. 2F: One down, one right, take stairs. 3F: Three up, two left, take stairs. 2F: Two right, kill the monster to get EXTRA (3,000 points), then take stairs. 1F: GET HORN, one down, one left, one up, GET CODE, one down, one right, two down, three left, take stairs. 2F: Two right, one up, one right, one up, one left, GET CODE, one right, one down, one left, one down, one right, take stairs. 3F: Three up, two left, take stairs. 2F: Two down, one left, two up, take stairs. 3F: One down, one right, two down, one right, GET CODE, two left, one up, take stairs. 4F: GET CODE, two right, one up, two left, take stairs. 3F: One up, take stairs. 2F: Two down, one right, two up, take stairs. 1F: Two down, one right, take stairs. 2F: One down, one right, take stairs. 3F: Three up, USE HORN, take stairs. 4F: Three down, three left (Get free oxygen and energy!), three right, three up, three left, take stairs. 5F: Three down, take stairs, 6F: Three up, GET HORN, three down, one right, three up, one right, take stairs. 5F: One right, GET CODE, one left, three down, one right, two up, USE HORN, take stairs. 6F: One left, one down, GET CODE, one up, one right, one up, INPUT CODE! To escape: Three down, and one left. SOLUTION FOR LEVEL 7: TIP: Avoid destroying the monster called SNAKE, unless it is required. This tip is valid for Level 8, and will help to save your energy. When required, use Sonic Blaster to kill the Snakes. To kill another new monster (Firecracker), use Particle Beam (but sparingly). 1F: Three right, GET CODE, one left, one down, one right, take stairs. 2F: Three left, take stairs. 1F: Two down, three right, take stairs. 2F: Three left, GET CODE, two right, one up, two left, take stairs. 3F: One down, one right, one up, two right, one down, one left, GET CODE, one right, one up. two left, two up, take stairs. 4F: One down, one right, one up, take stairs. 3F: One down, one right, one up, KILL SNAKE (This is required!!) to reveal stairway. Take stairs. 2F: Two left, kill monster to GET HORN, one left, upstairs. 3F: Three down, take stairs. 4F: One up, two right, GET CODE, two left one down, three right, three up, USE HORN, take stairs. 5F: Two down, three left, GET CODE, three right, one down, three left, take stairs. 6F: Three up, GET HORN, one down, two right, two down, one left, one up, GET CODE, one down, one right, three up, take stairs. 7F: Three down, one right, three up, GET CODE, three down, one left, one up, one left, one down, one left, one up, take stairs. 6F: one up, one right, one up, USE HORN, take stairs, 7F: one down, one left, one up, INPUT CODE! To Escape: One down, take stairs, two right, two down, one right, three up. SOLUTION FOR LEVEL 8 (The Final Stage): TIP: Try to avoid destroying the monsters, unless they are required. Use Sonic Blaster to kill the Snakes and Dragons. Important hint: avoid the fireballs fired by dragons. 1F: Three right, KILL DRAGON, one down, three left, one down, one right, one down, one left, GET CODE, three right, GET HORN, two left, one up, two right, take stairs. 2F: Two left, KILL DRAGON, one down, one left, three up, GET CODE, three down, three right, take stairs. 3F: Two left, GET CODE, one left, take stairs. 2F: One right, one up, two right, one up, USE HORN, take stairs. 3F: KILL DRAGON, One down, one left, GET HORN, one right, two up, three left, one down, take stairs. 4F: One down, KILL DRAGON, one down, three right, three up, one left, GET CODE, one right, three down, three left, three up, one right, one down, take stairs. 5F: One down, one right, KILL DRAGON, one down, two left, two up, GET CODE, two down, three right, USE HORN, take stairs. 6F: One up, two left, two up, GET HORN, two down, one right, two up, GET CODE, two down, one right, two up, USE HORN, take stairs. 7F: One down, one left, one down, two left, GET CODE, two right, one up, two left, one up, two right, take stairs. 8F: One left, GET CODE, one right, three down, two left, one up, GET HORN, one right, one up, One left, one up, KILL SNAKE to REVEAL STAIRS, THEN take stairs. 7F: One down, three right, KILL DRAGON, one down, USE HORN, take stairs. 8F: Two up, INPUT CODE! To Escape: Three down, take stairs, three left, take stairs, three up, take stairs, three right, one down, one left, take stairs, one down, one left, take stairs, one up, take stairs, one up, two right, take stairs, and two left. And then, the victory is YOURS!
  3. OYAMAFAMILY'S STRATEGY FOR LATER LEVELS: SOLUTION FOR LEVEL 3 (F = floor, level): TIP: DON'T try to kill the floater (diamond with eye in center), and the spinner (two rotating balls) with your Energy Sword (the first weapon got on Stage 1 - Yellow wall). After getting the Sonic Blaster (the second weapon), use it to kill Floater and Spinner. The Energy Sword is the best weapon to kill Bear Trap, Potato Man, Chopper, and Machine. 1F: Three down, one right, three up, GET CODE, one down, one right, one up, take stairs. (Tip: quickly draw the codes on your paper notes). 2F: One down, one left, one up, one left, GET CODE, one right, one down, one left, one down, two right, take stairs. 1F: One right, GET HORN, one left, take stairs. 2F: Two left, one up, two right, one up, take stairs. 1F: One down, one left, two down, two right, take stairs. 2F: Three left, take stairs. 3F: Three right, one up, take stairs. 2F: One up, take stairs. 1F: One up, downstairs, one up, USE HORN, take stairs. 2F: Kill monster, GET SONIC BLASTER (the new weapon). Take stairs. 1F: Backtrack to floor 1 (it's all linear). 1F: Two left, two up, one right, one up, take stairs. 2F: One down, two left, one down, take stairs. 3F: Two up, GET CODE, one down, one right, one up, one right, one down, one left, one right, one up, INPUT CODE! To Escape: One down, one left, one up, one left, two down, one right. SOLUTION FOR LEVEL 4: TIP ABOUT THE WEAPON: Use Energy Sword to kill Bear Trap, Potato Man, Chopper, and Machine. For the later monsters (Floater, Spinner, and Medusa), Sonic Blaster is the best. 1F: Three down, take stairs. 2F: Three right, take stairs. 1F: Three up, GET CODE, Three down, two left, take stairs. 2F: Two up, one left, one up, GET CODE, one down, one right, take stairs. 3F: One right, take stairs. 4F: one up, one right, take stairs. 3F: One left, take stairs. 2F: One right, one down, one left, take stairs. 1F: One up, GET HORN, two down, take stairs. 2F: One right, take stairs. 3F: Upstairs, 4F: One down, two left, one up, one right, GET CODE (remember this is the fourth symbol, NOT the third), one left, one down, one left, one up, take stairs. 3F: One down, three right, GET CODE (this is the third symbol), two left, one up, take stairs. 2F: take stairs. 1F: one up, one left, one up, one right, USE HORN, take stairs. 2F: Kill monster to get EXTRA (2,000 points), take stairs. 1F: One left, Three down, take stairs. 2F: Three right, take stairs. 1F: Two left, take stairs. 2F: Two up, take stairs. 3F: One right, take stairs. 4F: one up, one right, take stairs. 3F: One left, take stairs. 2F: One right, one down, one left, take stairs. 1F: One down, take stairs. 2F: One right, take stairs. 3F: Upstairs, 4F: One up, INPUT CODE! To Escape: Two down, three left, one up, downstairs, two up, one right, take stairs, one down,one left, one up. SOLUTION FOR LEVEL 5: TIP ABOUT THE WEAPON: Energy Sword to kill Bear Trap, Potato Man, Chopper, and Machine. For the later monsters (Floater, Spinner, Medusa, and Squid), Sonic Blaster is the best. After getting the Particle Beam, use this weapon to kill the Squid only. IMPORTANT: Don't shoot the Particle Beam continuously; this tip will help to save your energy for the subsequent stages. 1F: One right, one down, one right, one up, one right, three down, GET CODE, three up, one left, three down, take stairs. 2F: Two left, three up, one right, one down, GET CODE, one up, one left, take stairs. 3F: Two right, one down, one right, one up, GET CODE, one down, three left, take stairs. 4F: Three right, one up, GET CODE, one down, two left, one up, one left, take stairs. 5F: One right, two down, one left, one up, GET HORN, one down, two up, one right, one down, one right, one up, GET CODE, backtrack to 4th floor. 4F: One right, one down, two right, one down, three left, take stairs. 3F: One down, one right, one up, take stairs. 2F: one right, two up, one right, three down, take stairs. 3F: one up, one left, one down, USE HORN, take stairs. 4F: Kill monster to get PARTICLE BEAM (The best weapon in game, but use this sparingly), take stairs. 3F: Backtrack to 4th floor (it's linear). 4F: From 4th floor, go three right, one up, one left, one up, and INPUT CODE! To Escape: One down, one right, one down, two left, one down, one left, take stairs, two right, one up, one right, and one down.
  4. I would like to show the Special Notes for Secret Quest: 1. This game has 8 rounds - the number of existing floors means the current round. For example: if the current station has 2 floors, then the current round is 2. Each floor has 16 scenes. 2. This game finishes after completing 8 rounds (see the screenshots below). Pay attention that the score DON'T count!!!! 3. You MAY use the password screen via TV Type switch to pause this game, OR to change weapon. You change it pressing Fire button. REMEMBER: NO PASSWORDS ALLOWED!
  5. PARTICIPATION POINTS - 11,202 :D I beat Twin Galaxy Top Score - 3,901 by David Yancey!
  6. CHARACTER NAMES PRESENTS ON THIS GAME: ENGLISH: Popeye, Bluto (or Brutus), and Olive Oyl BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE: Popeye, Brutus, and Olivia Palito
  7. Final Attempt: 23,440 / Course 3 WOO HOO!! I reached my goal for this game: I beat Twin Galaxies World Record - 21,670 points by Robert T. Mruczek!! :D
  8. INITIAL ATTEMPT - 6,990 Special Note for Gas Hog: To pause gameplay, position the TV TYPE switch to B&W Mode. To continue, move this switch to Color Mode. SECOND ATTEMPT - 10,210
  9. This time my goal is to BEAT Twin Galaxies World Record - 21,670 points by Robert T. Mruczek.
  10. Ze_ro: A single correction to make on Pooyan: My score obtained on Pooyan (Final Attempt) increased from 19,130 to 22,870 points (After obtaining 19,130 points, I tried again to break the 20K mark). I am still happy because I am the partial leader in this competition, considering the Combined Score on Variety Pack 2.
  11. SCORING BONUS POINTS ON FAST EDDIE (Game Mode 1): WAVE 01: 310 points by completing screens 1 & 2; 930 (completing screens 3 & 4); and 1550 (screen 5) WAVE 02: 1550 points by completing screen 1; 2170 (completing screens 2 & 3); and 2790 (screens 4 & 5) ANOTHER COMMENTS ABOUT FAST EDDIE: 1) After completing 5 screens of Wave 8, you go back to Wave 4 - Screen 1. 2) The cycle of bonus points obtained on Waves 1 & 2 repeats on Waves 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 (Game 1). Here are the screenshots of later waves: WAVE 4 ==> WAVE 5 ==> WAVE 6 ==> WAVE 7 ==> WAVE 8 ==>
  13. My emulator which I am using to play Atari 2600 games is Stella - Version 3.1.2. I always play with Frame Rate 60, and Color System "Auto-Detect" (I usually play Atari 2600 games on NTSC system). For this HSC Contest (Variety Pack 2), I played four games with DEFAULT SETTINGS: Game Mode 1, and B position on both difficulty switches (Left & Right).
  14. Edit: FINAL ATTEMPT ON POOYAN - 22,870/STAGE 12!!! I beat the double of TG World Record on Pooyan: 2 x 8,450 = 16,900 points!!!
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