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Status Updates posted by IntellivisionDude

  1. Yep i still live in TN. Well compared to a lot of people here on these forums my collection is small. But bigger then i ever thought it would be. lol

  2. That is me, but i have lived in TN for the last 15 years. But i was born and raised in MI.

  3. Thanks dude. Never thought i'd get that lucky.

  4. What's up. You will mainly see me in the Intellivision section. :-)

  5. I'm actually not sure which ones in particular at the moment. I was digging the Clash of Champions and other ones during that time. Was it 88 or 89? But that would be awesome dude.

  6. I already miss your channel. I never got around to watching the NWA PPV's you uploaded.

  7. a.k.a. IntellivisionDude

  8. a.k.a. IntellivisionDude

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