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Everything posted by rocky007

  1. for XB : 1 CALL CLEAR :: CALL SPRITE(#1,32,2,1,1,3,0)::ON ERROR 5 2 OPEN #1:"DSK1.CFTEST",FIXED,OUTPUT :: CLOSE #1 3 CALL POSITION(#1,X,Y) 4 IF Y<4 THEN PRINT "CF7 ACTIVE" :: END 5 PRINT "CF7 NOT ACTIVE" of course, it also detect in same way : Classic99 or TI Ramdisk...
  2. i'm already too short in memory i'm very impatient to use the F18A new functions
  3. i worked on it in july, i hope to finish it this month
  4. Really great guillaume ! have you planned some move / scroll instructions ?
  5. i like very much both...left one looks more in the TI99 retro style, right one more modern.. anyway, i soooo impatient to see this game ! it's looks so amazing
  6. oh yeah !!! it could be so great !
  7. great news !! im very impatient !
  8. i liked very much Cabbage Patch Kid, it looks like Pitfall
  9. it's really amazing to have the same power than Dragon 32 into a "joypad" for our TI99 ! The A/D converter is directly connected to the 6809, so i suppose that the speech reconization is done by software, and need a lot of power.
  10. i don't agree totally : many of MBX games ( if not all ) could be playable with standard TI keyboard and speech recognition isn't necessary....
  11. i never noticed that you converted sooo many fonts !!! I feel so stupid you have already converted the fonts C64 two years ago, and I've lost hours to do it again a month ago..... thanks for your amazing work !
  12. i suppose it's the microsoft protocol : ? http://www.kryslix.com/nsfaq/Q.12.html
  13. if you have an old 5"25 disk drive on your PC, you could create a TI99 disk from an image using Omnilfop.
  14. Just find a disk manager cartridge ! you can already simply test the flexcable & disk controller in typing in basic "old dsk1.test"..if the drive start, it's already a good beginning
  15. personally i use this one : eBay Auction -- Item Number: 160378432470
  16. very important : you need to format and copy files on compat flash ONLY through Tidir ( or special CF9+ manager program )...
  17. CF7+ is super easy to use , just need to be used it with Tidir... For me, nanopeb and nanopeb CF7 are the same : disk drive emulator with flash card If you really want a real disk drive, you can find a complete system with brand new disk drive for +- 100 $. personnaly, i still use my first disk drive ( 30 years old ), and still working perfectly
  18. yes Tursi, i made a big error in my code so here it a new version, more optimised ( with very very little shorcut ): 100 CALL CLEAR 110 DIM A$(50),Y$(15),Z$(15) 113 DIM F(65),G(65) 115 DIM B$(32) 120 FOR I=1 TO 16 130 READ A$(I) 140 NEXT I 141 FOR I=1 TO 8 142 READ Y$(I) 143 NEXT I 144 FOR I=1 TO 8 145 READ Z$(I) 146 NEXT I 150 FOR I=1 TO 32 165 CALL CHAR(100+I,B$(I)) 170 CALL HCHAR(12,I,100+I):: next i 175 FOR i=1 to 64 :: G(i)=8 :: f(i)=1 :: NEXT I 200 C=int(rnd*64)+1 :: A=int(C/2) 210 C$=Y$(G(A))&A$(F(A*2))&A$(F(A*2+1))&Z$(G(A)) 220 F(C)=F(C)+1 230 IF F(c)>16 THEN G(A)=G(A)-1 :: F(A*2)=1::F(A*2+1)=1:: IF G(A)=0 THEN G(A)=1::F(A*2)=16::F(A*2+1)=16 235 CALL CHAR(100+A,C$) 240 GOTO 200 500 DATA 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F 510 DATA "",00,0000,000000,00000000,0000000000,000000000000,00000000000000 520 DATA FFFFFFFFFFFFFF,FFFFFFFFFFFF,FFFFFFFFFF,FFFFFFFF,FFFFFF,FFFF,FF,"" Just to see how slow TI basic is : 10 A$="FFFFFFFF" 20 FOR I=1 TO 1000 30 C$=A$&A$&A$ 40 NEXT i This code take 41 sec to finish 10 A$="FFFFFFFF" 20 FOR I=1 TO 1000 30 C$=RPT$("F",&RPT$("F",&RPT$("F", 40 NEXT i Result : 2 minutes 10 sec 10 A$="FFFFFFFF" 20 FOR I=1 TO 1000 30 C$=SEG$(A$,1,&SEG$(A$,1,&SEG$(A$,1, 40 NEXT i Result : 1 minute 50 sec.
  19. mmmh...still so slooow 100 CALL CLEAR 110 DIM A$(16) 111 DIM F(32),G(32) 112 DIM B$(32) 120 FOR I=1 TO 15 130 READ A$(I) 140 NEXT I 150 FOR I=1 TO 32 165 CALL CHAR(65+I,B$(I)) 160 B$(i)="0000000000000000" 170 CALL HCHAR(12,I,65+I) 175 F(I)=1:: G(I)=1 180 NEXT I 185 I=INT(RND*31)+1 :: P=G(I)+INT(RND*2) 190 C$=SEG$(B$(I),1,16-P)&A$(F(I))&SEG$(B$(I),18-P,P-1) 195 CALL CHAR(65+I,C$) 200 B$(I)=C$ 210 F(I)=F(I)+1 :: IF F(I)=16 THEN F(i)=1::G(i)=G(i)+1 220 GOTO 185 500 DATA 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F
  20. mhhh.. i think this game little bit bugged... fixed with : 1420 I=(RND*7)/10+1 but something wrong in the game anyway
  21. sooo great and sooo difficult... it's killing my brain
  22. not this year for sure.... but it still on my list
  23. it looks a lot better than the one in the beta video !
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