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Everything posted by GameGeezer

  1. Which drive is misaigned; d1 or d2? Disk Alignment Aid (N-D-N) (P-N 652-0199).dsk
  2. I must not see the 5200 in the spreadsheet. I am interested in the 7800 to replace my stolen unit. I also do not see a Vectrex main unit in the spreadsheet. I am interested in the Coleco trakball, 7800, 5200---I had six of them that waled away--and a core Vectrex console. ID if ou have interests in trades or only cash sales. Send a PM if you prefer.
  3. The 195 is used for RAM refresh. This may be helpful in the future...
  4. Rubbish. I recently ordered about 20 150K pots. https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/TT-Electronics/P230-1FD20BR150K?qs=sGAEpiMZZMukHu%2BjC5l7YT77tCcQpo3bZhrL7abqNgY%3D https://www.amazon.com/Uxcell-a11121400ux0234-Electrical-Wirewound-Potentiometer/dp/B0169OOLV4/ref=sr_1_3?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-qGNBhD3ARIsAO_o7ynlnyWIXb4lRTctnu3G0oDnpRzjDpcDR9S3D43j9HOlfH8fru4Kz2QaAmAjEALw_wcB&hvadid=409909999188&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1013452&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=4180624490516709794&hvtargid=kwd-27997994916&hydadcr=514_1012844948&keywords=150k+potentiometer&qid=1638457566&sr=8-3 https://www.newegg.com/p/2YK-005K-00HU6 https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/BI-Technologies-TT-Electronics/P270-SF11R150K?qs=sGAEpiMZZMukHu%2BjC5l7YT77tCcQpo3bhw45jJVHiTo%3D
  5. If you mean radial head misalignment, you must adjust the stepper motor. I have docs for the early drives on this procedure but thay are useless without a scope, and possibly old proprietary SW. See PDF page 10: https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/Apple II Documentation Project/Books/Sams ComputerFacts - Disk Drive Apple II.pdf The DuoDisk is effectively the same as the Disk II in most regards. See also: http://www.apple2faq.com/knowledgebase/recalibrating-disk-drives/ apple_disk_ii_technical_procedures.pdf Disk Alignment Aid (N-D-N) (P-N 652-0199).dsk
  6. Sorry for the typo and any confusion. Yes, I meant 9334, as this plays a primary part in video mode switching.
  7. FWIW there are no bots n this server.
  8. FYI PRINT PRE(0) The best option for proper RAM tests is ROMX. It has RAM tests a diags built into the boot images.
  9. I use a ZIP drive on the High Speed SCSI card with DMA (and a termination diode mod).
  10. I have one these with a IIx KB. I will send some photos your way if you are curious.
  11. You probably have a few dead Alps keswitches
  12. You need no more than an incandescent lamp. There are two rings on the spindle. The outside ring is 60Hz and the inside 50Hz. Use an incandescent bub and tune. When the ring sees to stand still, it is in spec. If you are a PAL/50Hz region (Europe parts of Japan South America), use the inner ring. In the US, 60Hz Japan or other 60Hz regions use the outer ring.
  13. Eek! Someone pilfered some of me goodies... Need to replace my 7800, 5200 and Vectrex. Have trades or can do cash purchase. My games library is mostly intact an all of my Vectrex library aside fro the system is intact. Whew. Can trade some nice stuff (e.g. Sealed Tank Command, vintage micros, or feed a desire.)
  14. WTB One or more C1350 (not 1351) mice.
  15. This is unlikely to go anywhere, but I would love to see a remaster of GORF that re-implements the missing Galaxian stage and adds the special SFX and voice synth.
  16. I may have an extra in climate controlled storage. I surely have Sharp Twin systems if you ave an interest in one of those.
  17. I will check my Lynx stock when I get a chance. All of stock is new but I have enough that I don't charge a premium for new. IDK if i have those three. I eventually plan to eBay dump a lot of it for around US$10 to US20 a game, keeping two of each for me for 1: Use 2: keep one sealed.
  18. WTB: One to three C1350 loose mice for a project.
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