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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. Generate all the ascii art you ever wanted - http://www.glassgiant.com/ascii/
  2. What is the end of the 50pin IDE cable called? The one that connects to the board. I need to replace it. I pulled too hard and it came apart. Frank
  3. Would hook up my atari audio to the sterio and have arguments with the guy across the hall in college.
  4. If I have this correct, the 1200XL has a +9v power supply and through some magic is supposed to step it down to +5 volts? Except everywhere I expect to pick up +5, I get 10. Like on R63, which you should replace with a jumper so the SIO get's the full 5 volts. R63 for me reads 10. Another place I read was the top of C11 should get me +5, but I show 10. Oddly enough, everything works fine on the 1200xl. So I'm not sure what's going on. What does your 1200xl show? Frank
  5. I have a 1200xl that has a loose connection somewhere. I know it's just going to take time to find it but where else can I whine about it and have someone understand me. My wife just looks at me like I'm nuts. If I press down just slightly on the center of the board it boots fine. Leave it alone.. and black. .... arrrggggggg
  6. I pulled the stereo board. That wasn't it.... I'll start with a clean machine and go from there.
  7. I don't remember if my Incognito came with any LEDs for the HDD activity indicator. If it did I lost them. Is there a specific kind I need to get? (besides the color of my choice :-) Frank
  8. What happened to this? Did it ever take flight?
  9. They are transcend 4 GB cards I have the dual pokey mod - http://lotharek.pl/product.php?pid=45 and low_budget's SVideo v2.1 Board. You know, this could be a good excuse to pick up an unmodified 800xl so I can rule out other things... hmmm.
  10. I need to make labels with those 3 modes described and stick it on the cart. Ok, So who knows the best way to figure out why I keep getting a corrupted filesystem on my Side 2 / CF. I'll be copying over files and suddenly bleeackk. Directory is full of garbage. Tried a couple of CF cards, they all end that way. My Side 1 cart works great, never has a problem. I did the first part of this http://www.nleaudio.com/css/stabiliz.htm but didn't help. I need to do the second step as well.
  11. I have read a bunch of threads about the settings but I wouldn't be able to explain what they do. I have an 800XL with the U1MB and a SIDE 2. I am trying to run SDX on the cart and use the CF. The confusing one for me is "SIDE hardware" I keep thinking if I want to use my SIDE 2, I should enable that. I'm not sure what with or without button setting does. Except, it works better when I set SIDE to disabled. So what's the deal with the SIDE setting? Frank
  12. At least I'm consistent. I did this again - http://atariage.com/forums/topic/210429-incognito-cf-work-in-side/?hl=%2Bincognito+%2Bflash+%2Bsdx
  13. Maybe I flashed SDX on the incognito with the wrong version. What should be in the config.sys file?
  14. I had this all working but my job kept me busy recently so it's been a while. My Incognito board acts like there is no CF card in it. The same CF works in my SIDE 1 and SIDE 2 carts. I can boot my 800 into the Incognito setup menu and press L and SIDE loads and shows all the games I have in the FAT partition. But when I boot into SDX nothing. No drives. So I run the new FDISK (beta 8 - which works great on the same card in SIDE 1 & 2) and it shows no media. Nothing. Empty device list. What am I missing? I can't remember what I was doing on my 800 before, but I had this all working. Is there a secret turn-the-drive-off and drive Frank crazy switch? If you have any ideas please let me know, Frank
  15. Using SIDE2 with 4GB CF.SIDE driver v1.0, FATFS v.0.7 running FDISK4 beta 7 . Initalize DISK - FAT 16, 1024 MB, APT 1024 MB Select F, Fill / Divide 4 partitions, 65535 size, 512 BPS partitions created Select V - Assign Drive Select D3 for first partition, Drive column doesn't update on screen ^W write partition ^X exit Turn off computer, turn back on SDX loading .. Invalid partition table run FDISK. Select DRIVE prompted with "MBR will be destroyed" - OK, Cancel
  16. I can't seen to set the Drive numbers on the partitions. Every time I try it ends up making an invalid partition table and I need to start over. It also doesn't seem to save the Boot flag. I write out the table, re-read it in and it's gone.
  17. The music from M.U.L.E. still plays in my head from all those years ago...
  18. I have installed the VBXE 2.0 board in an 800XL... but then my shielding was lost so long ago I didn't even remember it having any till I read your post.
  19. Yes, and possibly more then one. You will get 15Khz RGB from VBXE, you need to upscale that with a box to get VGA. Then you would need something to convert that to HDMI (unless your LCD has VGA input. Mine does)
  20. Who needs prompts and menus, it just needs to beep :-)
  21. I just tried this modification. I should probably have tested things before I started. MyIDE-II mostly works. MyDOS is fine, but whenever I try and use the Fat32 loader I get a message I need at least 512Kb ram.. which I have configured in Incognito. When I use MyIDE-1 the Fat 32 Loader (called SIDE) works fine but MyDOS doesn't start up correctly.
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