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Everything posted by drfloyd

  1. A book, in a Week ????? 😲 Any news about a RANDOMSEED command ? (I need that for my future procedural game)
  2. Thanks Can we imagine a final version with a complete interface ? With an editor + no use of CMD commands.
  3. Hi, A RANDOMSEED command ? To initializes the pseudo-random number generator
  4. i try to run CVBASIC.EXE but it does not work.... (Windows 10) Nothing happened
  5. great news !!!!!!!! Waiting for that since several years !!!!!!!!
  6. I am considering a box verion, but i wait for some feedback : - the quaity of the translation in english - Sure that it is possible to "finish" the game If box version, it will be in english & french Yes, itch.io is the only place for donation Thanks.
  7. So the crash come come this config : ATARI STF TOS 1.04 and 4MB ?
  8. Strange. With Steem emulator there is no crash. On a real St with 4Mo, no crash On a Real Atari Mega STE with 4Mb, no crash Please note that the PC .EXE Windows Version runs with HATARI (configuration : 2Mb)
  9. hello, i try to follow : is the problem coming from running it from an auto folder ?
  10. ok, for now you are the only person with this problem (the game exists since sevaral month with the french version) Need someone else with this problem to start checking.
  11. First time hear it does not work on a real ST. Do do have 1MB RAM ?
  12. Thanks all for your support !!!!!! Even of PC, it will be a unique and original game. I finish to correct the english version, and then I will consider between : COSMOS CHRONICLES ATARI ST "4Mo Edition" (can add lot and lot of possibilities with 4mo!) or A Steam game...
  13. Yes, or a special version for ST/E 4Mo to TT/Falcon With 4Mo of RAM no limit to imagination !!!!
  14. thanks, you give me motivation for english version 1.0 !!! + for starting Cosmos 2 (I hesitate between a new ST game, or a PC Steam game with crazy features)
  15. Here is the "INTERNATIONAL EDITION" (English Langage) https://gamopat-studio.itch.io/cosmos-chronicles-international-edition-atari-st-windows The original game is in french. This is a beta version of the international edition. There may be a few bugs, and the English translation is not yet perfect: I'm counting on you all to let me know of any corrections to ensure correct English. ATARI ST is BACK !!!
  16. Hello I have just finished the translation of the game, BETA version (as I am french, there will be some corrections do you with help of english people) Just need to translate the little documentation + change some keys to QWERTY. I will publish soon this English BETA version on itch.io (ATARI ST & PC)
  17. Hi, Lord British is living in Nova City... the capital He is a Lord, so you have to find the red temple (the guilde) where he is standing.
  18. Version 1.02 https://gamopat-studio.itch.io/cosmos-chronicles-atari-st - Should correct visibility of computer texts - A new mini game "easter egg" (in some bars) - Better management of time spent (for TT or Falcon computers)
  19. we need this port ! BUT it should be on STF Atari STF is the Real ST, and I think that Hyper Sport can be arcade perfect even on STF.
  20. soon, for version 1.02 the newt version will include a new Easter Egg mini game
  21. Fixed, but not yet published ! Il will be with V 1.02 Sorry
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