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Everything posted by Video

  1. Yeah I get that. Its partially my fault for not doing download games, but it does seem atari, and only Atari, is really hard to get. Most other physical you can find easier, if not just straight up available in your local store. T4 has the excuse of, at least the switch version is lrg, which is short print runs anyways. Most the games on Atari website at least claim there are physical versions, of most games. Maybe I should buy direct, yes pay $100 instead of $20-40, but consider it "supporting Atari" and supporting physical to boot.
  2. Unravel 2. Your literally a couple of tied together yarn guys trying to get through a 2d side scrolling world. The graphics are amazing, and the puzzles range from easy to insanely hard, mostly due to how switching characters and control options works. Great game, assuming a sequel, rather than a joke as you play two guys, I'd look for a first one.
  3. Cool, didn't know they made space invaders. I liked the LCD version, despite the weird "invaders going off the screen" bit. Wonder if the watch does the same thing?
  4. That's why I said "earlier toploaders with mvo" it started out with this port, but Nintendo quickly nixed it in favor of a cheaper rca only version. Funny enough, for a rare variant of the system, I've got more mvo top loaders than non mvo versions. (Which isn't a lot, I've only got 3, but two have the MVP port)
  5. I've noticed many Atari games (and some other games on various other consoles) will have sounds when they likely shouldn't have, especially on quiet scenes or with the tv somewhat loud. Considering especially Atari doesn't exactly have dedicated sound and video hardware, and severely limited ram, often sharing processing power to do everything. Its kind of like how you can get marginally better sound out of the old girl by handing video processing to sound as well, such as in games that feature speach, like berserk ve. Ill need to dig out a pitfall and see if I notice ticking, but even on actual hardware I notice a slight buzzing on lots of games.
  6. Yeah, at least third parties were commonly making clones of Sega and Nintendo since the early 2k era, so while not Nintendo or Sega directly, we still had options. I to agree that sometimes, well a lot of time, in my adult, time constrained life, A few minutes of gaming is all I want, need, or can manage. Lets do a quickie pacman or asteroids. And no, I'm not happy with the current state of gaming. (Sarcasm) I love getting home, having a half hour or so to unwind, turning on whatever system, and getting the "gotta download more meaningless updates, shouldn't take more than half an hour" um...oh, so I do something else(/sarcasm) I've lived to much of my life without access to acceptable internet, it was only about two years ago I got it (there seems to be some common misconception that those of us with shit internet are making a choice to have shit internet, probably to be cheap, no, that's false) I didn't "want" fast internet, I wanted that slow 1-3 meg shit. I didn't want a lot of data, I wanted that 50 gig a month cap, and I didn't want a reasonable price, I wanted it to cost over $100 a month. Those of us with shit internet, had it, because that's what was available. How many times someone smarted off with "just get better internet" and I legit thought about saying "sure, you pay the hundred or so grand to have a one off line run to my house, and ill get better internet" but I try not to be an ass, regardless of how people act towards me. Modern gaming is in such a bad state, its getting hard to get anything new that doesn't require the internet "it allows us to release broken shit" hell, even things like evercade, and even 2600+ use internet. At least their intact enough to not actually require it though. I don't see me ever going back to download land, its not worth the agrivation, I'm to old to deal with that garbage, and am more than happy to stick to older stuff, and remakes like evercade and Atari, as long as someone makes functional physical, someone will be getting my money.
  7. I remember the 3do gex game, and the weird hitch thing it would do when you switched from run to climb or something. Apparently the 3do simply didn't have enough ram or something so to switch action modes, it had to dump ram and install the new character animation set or something (don't know if that's true, just what I heard back in the day) Bubsy is floaty, sure, and I'm sure nobody would complain if they tightened the controls up some, but at least originally, to me it was still perfectly playable. I think the jag was looser, and maybe that was its problem, it went from comfortably playable (even if it could be tighter) to right on the edge, turning it from a fun game, to miserable work. Heh, bubsy/gex crossover, lol, I'd play that. 😛
  8. Ok, I should have specified "in physical format" I don't do download. What I said remains true, flashback 150 and Atari 50 are widely available, haunted house and tempest aren't. Most the others as of yet I haven't even seen yet.
  9. Two reasons. I do want more people working on clones of 2600 (had clones started in 2000 area, we'd have a perfect, or at least near perfect one now) and of course two, the actual hardware isn't very cooperative with modern screens, and a modern clone can do HDMI. Plus, heck, I just love atari, it was the only system for much of my childhood. I was over ten years old before Nintendo came out, so I'm really attached to the system in a way no other system will ever come close to.
  10. Yeah I doubt bubsy has a fan bass in the hundred million range either, but how many games do, mario, maybe? I agree with goldleader, the 16 bit version was sheer perfection. Short of mario, it was my favorite side scroller of the era. Not sure what happened on jaguar, maybe they just ramped the difficulty up to much or something. Somehow its just not got the same charm as the snes genesis versions. I also think a revisit to 3d could be good, somehow they managed to fail on all counts on that one. Other than shortness, the one from a few years back really did feel like old bubsy games though to me.
  11. I was going to say, someone posted wades acquisitions over the past few years, but its a fair amount. I didn't run it to see how much, but the above poster is probably right. I think it was a few years back when I said someone with a few mill or tens of mill could not necessarily buy the company, but could buy a controlling interest. Heck, maybe wade was here and read that and thought "ideas" who knows (but I doubt that) If I had the money, would I do it? Probably not, I don't want to own a company (I lack the education required to properly guide a company) but might do controlling interest,vas I've got ideas that I think would work. A company doesn't necessarily have to do what a controlling interest says, but they hold more attention than those of us with piddling amounts of stock (12000 might be a lot with s larger more well off company, not so much with penny stock) As for ideas, wade probably is encouraging the mass acquisition of old ip and companies, I would too. Probably has something to do with various console releases, I would too. One Atari is currently having issues with is, availability. Consoles seem fine, but games and accessories suck at the moment. I'd see about funding to ramp up production, probably by a lot. If things sell out in minutes, and are unavailable for weeks to months till more limited stock releases, only to sell out in a few minutes, that's not helping. In fact, it could be hurting (people don't like the only availability of toys being overpriced scalpers, and exposed long enough to that, most people will give up and go elsewhere)
  12. $400 + seems high, but then, end of 90's I bought a few dmg on clearance for like $25 each (for Christmas presents) so I may be a bit biased. Now days a working standalone will cost you over 50 in pretty rough cosmetic shape, and up to a hundred in great shape. I never come across them boxed, so maybe that's fair? Check eBay sold listings, or videogames price charting (they list cib as just south of $300, but new sealed as over $600) The box looks ok to me, what mine looks like wo zooming in and close inspection anyways.
  13. Anticipation stock increase only happens with bigger companies and well known companies though. WE know what Atari is, and track it. Average joe, not so much. The first most people will know of Atari is when they see a game(or system) in stores. They have higher interest if its a good game. People keep preaching "system shock" and to he blunt, I don't know what that is (doesnt mean its not liked or well precieved, just that I don't care enough about it. Therefore, stock won't move in anticipation, only after the fact. Vcs already proved that, it hit nearly a dollar a share after it finally got around to being released, but as I said, went back down after it was killed. The bulk of stuff Atari bought is 23, and as of yet, unused. Until all that stuff starts being an active part of Atari, its not going to affect them much. Basically, atari has made lots of purchases over the last year, but haven't made use of any yet. Like I said, I bought it at eight cents, and have watched it steadily go up over the past few months. I didn't say it did amazing, or that it will, just the potential to get higher, potentially much higher, is there. But hey, don't invest, its not my business what others do with their money. If it goes up, especially a lot, ill be laughing my way to the bank, but if it just dies altogether, I'm financially sound enough I'll be like "oh well" and go do something else.
  14. Merc for hire for real lol. Plus he gets to destroy and loot the local landscape, smashing bricks for money. The reason for the timer (in old games, you were timed) is to get out of the area before the mushroom kingdoms equivalent of un peacekeepers show up and bring Mario up on charges of animal cruelty, mass murder, destruction of property, and looting
  15. Um, they wouldn't be buying out tons of third party stuff, and making multiple systems if they weren't intending to improve. I stick to my statement of it will go up (or at least their hoping it will) stocks aren't volatile if a company isn't doing anything. On vcs, atari stopped making it, because of overstock, sure were in agreement on that, but for different reasons. The vcs was in over stock [i]because[/i] it wasn't selling. Partially due to not being available in stores (outside overpriced scalper shit, I never saw it sold outside Atari themselves) but also because no digital download only system has ever done well. Couple that with high price (its original msrp was $500, and were not talking a well known big name company with lots of backing and consumer desire) and you had/have a system that I believe the average Joe knew wasn't ever going to do well. Its part of why I've said many times, rework it (at this point that includes making it more powerful as well) and add some sort of media port, and I believe, while slow moving, it could do well, over a few years. As much as big companies want download to be a standard, and big names do well, the average consumer isn't ready to fully support a download only system.
  16. Awesome, now if it'll be available I'd totally get it. Why is Atari games so hard to get? I've got t4k and haunted house, but outside the flashback 150 and Atari 50th, atari games are next to impossible to get (and even those two are no longer available)
  17. There's a duke 2 cart?! Awesome! I'm so getting that. Duke advance is my favorite after 3d.
  18. Never understood the "death grip" in aftermarket connectors. Always seemed to me a well documented system with cart port specs should not do this, but for whatever reason, Nintendo clones, and replacement parts (and ONLY Nintendo) always had problems with this. Some other consoles are tight, sure, but nothing like Nintendo. Always thought about just nixxing the zif in favor of a straight connector and just have carts plug into the top, after all, Nintendo made a top loader and it had no cart issues damaging carts, or destroying the connector. Of course it would look ugly, just cutting a hole in the top of a toaster, and some cart ports are soldered rather than screwed in, so no one size fits all. The toaster has better imagery parts than the toploader, even if you get an earlier mvo console instead of the later cheaper rca only model. Love their transparent shell on that site, wonder of you can get a transparent bottom too? I'd do that, even if I did no other mods.
  19. I bought 2 (no option for standalone at the time) both were sealed on top with a circular clear tape about an inch across. No seal on the bottom. No shrink wrap or anything either, just the disc piece of tape. Ill see about a pic later, one is still sealed (till a friend visits and we can try two play marble craze, or four player warlords or something)
  20. I bought a ton in about 2020, it was 8 cents or so at the time. Got about 12000 shares, and paid about 1k for it. It bobs around 2x what I paid currently. It did hit nearly a dollar a share back in 21, then dropped to about 8 again. I too think Atari is in for great improvement, if they can hold their head of steam, they were doing better when vcs launched, then the pulled the plug and it hurt them. Well see what the next couple of years does for them. If you not got any now, its a good time to get some.
  21. Hmm, love the look of black systems, but I've got enough variants of evercade already so I think I'll pass. Looks nice though. I'm weird, so I might pick up a hot pink console or handheld if they made one, which I think would be more "valentine" anyways. If the duke system actually makes a reappearance I'll definitely try for that though.
  22. I often think of things like that in games, the "what if" type things. Like how you always teleport to the middle of an asteroid field on asteroids and just start blasting away. Sure, they will kill you, but hey, you just showed up in their territory and start blasting away. The alien space ship is just trying to protect their rock collection. After all, you have a space ship, that can even teleport, even on 2600, why not just travel places their aren't rocks? Its just video games, have fun with it, but us 70-80's kids really got to work our imaginations.
  23. I think someone made the + and didn't realize the switches mean something, so they just assumed a was easy or one setting, while b was hard or second setting. Don't know how often it was mentioned in original manuals, but some did mention, A is for advanced, while b is for beginner. I can see the difficulty being reversed, but not mentioned at all is weird, unless its not used. Old manuals would still mention all switches and just mark them as unused. However, most (all?) The games on 10-1 carts use the difficulty switches, so no mention is just weird, unless the games were modified to not use them. Atari has modified some of their games before (like the more modern adventure, where dragons don't have "stomachs" or whatever the hole in their body is supposed to be) but I doubt Atari bothered editing difficulty options on any, much less all the games on the 10 in 1 cart.
  24. I don't mind paying extra for a new game, just wish they were available to purchase at all. This constant "sold out" business is pure bs. Now common games that you could buy for $2 (if you don't already have a dozen or so in your collection) uh, no. Ill pass on most of those. I'd still buy new or rare games, and while I'd love them in the $30-40 range, I've got no issue with paying $60-70 (or $100) but damnit atari, make them available! After all, nobody has an issue buying a modern console game for $60, yes their Atari games and mostly not that deep, but your paying for what you want. If I was to say one thing I want (outside availability) it would be instruction manuals. So far I'm loving what little I can get, and my feelings aren't hurt that its expensive. Tbh, I'm having as much, or more fun with a lot of Atari titles than I am with a lot of the current gen crap. Maybe ill order some goodies from Albert to tide me over till the official run stuff becomes available, if ever (maybe ebay, but I'm not looking for sealed there, I want to play. Anyhow, lots of great selection on atariage, there's over 100 titles now, even after axing lots of things for various reasons.
  25. Well the difficulty switches are the missing extra switches from the original 6switch model. Don't know if they thought moving them cleaned up the console dashboard or what, but their really the same system. Bitd, some games did have instructions that mentioned this. Activision space shuttle even had an overlay for both six and four switch models of console.
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