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Everything posted by funkheld

  1. hello zbyti, do you have new nice ideas for the Plus4? thanks.
  2. i don't use the language any more. had previously played with the cross, but this cc65 fails I have little freedom. greeting
  3. Thank you. finally a new language with a breath of fresh air and the internet. greeting
  4. why is another language being developed here that almost exists and is nothing new. I had already written once that the freshness is missing with rs232 and tcp. the other is only a partial copy of what has already been created. greetin
  5. i find the programs boring. There is no connection to the outside with rs232 or tcp. In fact, there is nothing fundamentally new, but rather small defects are always eliminated that are actually not noticeable. the fresh wind with rs232 and tcp is missing greeting
  6. Hi good afternoon. i still miss that light asm inline. how it is currently done is cumbersome. greeting
  7. hello zbyti. Thanks for your new work for the new plus4 demos. Wonderful how you can do that. have already learned a lot. what I'm looking for is a key query, which key was pressed, which works in plus4. i can already receive data for rs232 from plus4. Thank you. greeting
  8. Hello thanks für c+4 demo. greeting
  9. will not be compiled -target:c64 -code:2000 -target: c64 -code: 2000 -target c64 -code 2000
  10. Hi good afternoon. I would like to move the start of a program for the C64 to 4096, please. how is it going? Thank you.
  11. hello zbyte works wonderfully with all types for the c64. Thank you.
  12. how big is integer in madpascl for the c64? which number types are there for the c64?? greeting ----------------------------------------------------------- program UpUpAndAway; const v = 53248; sprite : array[0..62] of Byte = ( 0,127,0,1,255,192,3,255,224,3,231,224, 7,217,240,7,223,240,7,217,240,3,231,224, 3,255,224,3,255,224,2,255,160,1,127,64, 1,62,64,0,156,128,0,156,128,0,73,0,0,73,0, 0,62,0,0,62,0,0,62,0,0,28,0 ); var i,d : Integer; begin -----------------------------------------------------------
  13. hello, this is open , send , empfang , close mit madpas for c64. greeting seriell_send to A - Z , 2400baud : // KERNAL_SETLFS = $FFBA; // KERNAL_SETNAM = $FFBD; // KERNAL_OPEN = $FFC0; // KERNAL_CLOSE = $FFC3; // KERNAL_CHKIN = $FFC6; // KERNAL_CHKOUT = $FFC9; // KERNAL_CLRCHN = $FFCC; // KERNAL_CHRIN = $FFCF; // KERNAL_CHROUT = $FFD2; // KERNAL_LOAD = $FFD5; // KERNAL_READST = $FE07; program seriel; var i,z : byte; num : word absolute $fb; ascii : byte absolute $fd; procedure seriell_open(); assembler; asm { num = $fb lda #2 ldx #<(num) ldy #>(num) jsr $ffbd lda #$02 ldx #$02 ldy #$00 jsr $ffba jsr $ffc0 }; end; procedure seriell_send(); assembler; asm { buffer = $fd ldx #$02 jsr $ffc9 lda #$00 ldx buffer txa jsr $ffd2 jsr $ffcc }; end; procedure seriell_empfang(); assembler; asm { buffer = $fd jsr $ffcc ldx #$02 jsr $ffc6 bcs error jsr $ffcf tax jsr $fe07 cmp #$00 bne error stx buffer jsr $ffcc error: }; end; procedure seriell_close(); assembler; asm { lda #$02 jsr $ffc3 }; end; begin poke($fb,10); poke($fc,0); seriell_open; pause; while True do begin for i:=1 to 26 do begin ascii:=i; for z:=0 to 30 do begin pause; end; seriell_send; end; end; pause; seriell_close; end. seriell_empfang A - Z , 2400baud : char is the screen adresse $0400 // KERNAL_SETLFS = $FFBA; // KERNAL_SETNAM = $FFBD; // KERNAL_OPEN = $FFC0; // KERNAL_CLOSE = $FFC3; // KERNAL_CHKIN = $FFC6; // KERNAL_CHKOUT = $FFC9; // KERNAL_CLRCHN = $FFCC; // KERNAL_CHRIN = $FFCF; // KERNAL_CHROUT = $FFD2; // KERNAL_LOAD = $FFD5; // KERNAL_READST = $FE07; program seriel; var i : byte; num : word absolute $fb; ascii : byte absolute $fd; procedure seriell_open(); assembler; asm { num = $fb lda #2 ldx #<(num) ldy #>(num) jsr $ffbd lda #$02 ldx #$02 ldy #$00 jsr $ffba jsr $ffc0 }; end; procedure seriell_send(); assembler; asm { buffer = $fd ldx #$02 jsr $ffc9 lda #$00 ldx buffer txa jsr $ffd2 jsr $ffcc }; end; procedure seriell_empfang(); assembler; asm { buffer = $fd jsr $ffcc ldx #$02 jsr $ffc6 bcs error jsr $ffcf tax jsr $fe07 cmp #$00 bne error stx buffer jsr $ffcc error: }; end; procedure seriell_close(); assembler; asm { lda #$02 jsr $ffc3 }; end; begin poke($fb,10); poke($fc,0); seriell_open; pause; while True do begin seriell_empfang; pause; poke($0400,ascii); end; pause; seriell_close; end.
  14. with open , send and close is ok , baud2400 : // KERNAL_SETLFS = $FFBA; // KERNAL_SETNAM = $FFBD; // KERNAL_OPEN = $FFC0; // KERNAL_CLOSE = $FFC3; // KERNAL_CHKIN = $FFC6; // KERNAL_CHKOUT = $FFC9; // KERNAL_CLRCHN = $FFCC; // KERNAL_CHRIN = $FFCF; // KERNAL_CHROUT = $FFD2; // KERNAL_LOAD = $FFD5; // KERNAL_READST = $FE07; program seriel; var i : byte; num : word absolute $fb; ascii : byte absolute $fd; procedure seriell_open(); assembler; asm { num = $fb lda #2 ldx #<(num) ldy #>(num) jsr $ffbd lda #$02 ldx #$02 ldy #$00 jsr $ffba jsr $ffc0 }; end; procedure send(); assembler; asm { buffer = $fd ldx #$02 jsr $ffc9 lda #$00 ldx buffer txa jsr $ffd2 jsr $ffcc }; end; procedure seriell_close(); assembler; asm { lda #$02 jsr $ffc3 }; end; begin poke($fb,10); poke($fc,0); seriell_open; pause; for i:=64 to 90 do begin ascii:=i; pause; send; end; pause; seriell_close; end.
  15. hello, this is seriell send , baud2400 : program seriel; var i : byte; baud : word absolute $fb; ascii : byte absolute $fd; procedure seriell(); assembler; asm { befehl = $fb puffer = $fd lda #2 ldx #2 ldy #0 jsr $ffba lda #2 ldx #<(befehl) ldy #>(befehl) jsr $ffbd jsr $ffc0 ldx #2 jsr $ffc9 ldy #0 lda puffer,y jsr $ffd2 jsr $ffcc loop: lda $029d cmp $029e bne loop ldx #50 loop1: jsr $eeb3 dex bne loop1 lda #2 jsr $ffc3 }; end; begin baud:=$000a; for i:=64 to 90 do begin ascii:=i; seriell; end; end.
  16. thanks for the information. buffer and befehl must be an address. Thank you befehl: !byte 10,0 puffer: !byte 0 ------------------- ldx #<(befehl) ldy #>(befehl) ------------------- ------------------ lda puffer,y ------------------
  17. hello, good day you specialist. I'll try the c64 and madpascal. have a first problem with this asm: can you please do the procedure with data transfer for me madpascal? I can then use them later as a procedure sample. Thank you. please transfer data to the asm procedure: befehl: !byte 10,0 puffer: !byte 0 ------------------------------------ madpascal-procedure: asm: lda #2 ldx #2 ldy #0 jsr $ffba lda #2 ldx #<(befehl) ldy #>(befehl) jsr $ffbd jsr $ffc0 ldx #2 jsr $ffc9 ldy #0 lda puffer,y jsr $ffd2 jsr $ffcc waitforchar: lda $029d cmp $029e bne waitforchar ldx #50 loop: jsr $eeb3 dex bne loop lda #2 jsr $ffc3 end-asm -------------------------------------
  18. Hi good afternoon. does it continue for the c64? I would also be very happy with the madpascal. there aren't that many demos for the c64 yet. the c64 is much more known than the plus4 Thank you.
  19. hello, really great thing. Thank you. greeting
  20. hello, that looks great. is there already the source code, please? you can certainly learn a lot from that. Greeting
  21. hallo, danke für die info. madpascal macht aber schon sehr viel für den plus4 und du auch...
  22. Danke. Kann man bitte den File-Befehl von Madpascal auch für den Plus4 anwenden? Gruss
  23. hello, can this "file" also be used for the Plus4 from Madpascal? Thank you.
  24. Hi, Thank You. this function is ok. why is this "'....~" ? why ist this function : FillChar(pointer(ATTRIBUTE_ADDR), 24 * 40, 0); when i take it out the screen is the same. greeting
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