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Everything posted by funkheld

  1. i have not yet understood the relationship between the colors in multicolor mode. have you ever seen why one of my programs is not running on the yape? how do you know that yape is better than winvice? what test experience did you have? Thank you.
  2. Hi, Thank You. worked wonderfully. a great thing what you do with the plus4 everything. you have a lot of ideas. I'm also interested in the hires mode. do you have an idea for that too? Thank you
  3. Hello, I have now used multipaint to create a color image in text format for the plus4. where are these values in the text ? --------------------------------- org $4000 ; bitmap: .byte org $6000 ; colors 2 .byte org $6400 ; colors 1 .byte ---------------------------------- greeting
  4. Hi good afternoon. where do you get your smile-graphic to load it with your program? Thank you.
  5. test code with: winvive = ok yape = no ok mister-fpga-core plus4 = ok var SCREEN : pointer; GSCREEN : pointer; BORDERCOLOR : byte absolute $ff15; BGCOLOR : byte absolute $ff19; a,b,c : word; const SCREEN_ADDR = $0c00; EMPTY = $20; begin GSCREEN := pointer($2000); SCREEN := pointer($0c00); FillChar(pointer(SCREEN_ADDR), 25 * 40, 14); asm { lda $ff06 ora #%00100000 sta $ff06 lda $ff07 ora #%00010000 sta $ff07 lda $ff12 ora #%00001000 sta $ff12 }; FillByte(GSCREEN, 8000,8); repeat until false; end.
  6. ------------------------------ change/replace only 6 chars of copied set. ------------------------------- why do I only see 5 chars?
  7. with yape your test.prg does not work with yape. with vice the test.prg is ok greeting
  8. Hi good afternoon. I wanted to make the new fonts visible, please. but only five appear. Why? why are the letters so nice and small? Thank you. var RAMROMSEL : byte absolute $ff12; CHBAS : byte absolute $ff13; SCREEN : pointer; fonts: array [0..(8 * 6 - 1)] of byte = ( 24,24,36,36,36,60,102,90, // ship up 0,3,62,197,197,62,3,0, // ship left 0,192,124,163,163,124,192,0, // ship right 90,102,60,36,36,36,24,24, // ship down 0,60,110,98,70,118,60,0, // obstacle 1 0,60,118,70,98,110,60,0 // obstacle 2 ); procedure initFonts; begin Move(pointer($d000), pointer($6000), $400); Move(fonts, pointer($6000), SizeOf(fonts)); RAMROMSEL := RAMROMSEL and %11111011; CHBAS := (CHBAS and %11) or 24 shl 2; end; begin initFonts; SCREEN := pointer($0c00); FillByte(SCREEN, 40 * 25, $a0); writeln('@ABCDE'); repeat until false; end.
  9. Hi good afternoon. I saw this "victory" for the plus4. why is the text displayed so nice and small? Thank you.
  10. Hello, thanks for the help. I'm looking forward to more great articles from madpascal on plus4. Thank you.
  11. Hello, can you write that with mads, please? Or does it look different with the Plus4? mads.exe raster_irq.a65 -x -i:base -o:raster_irq.prg Thank you
  12. Hi, Thank You . works wonderfully. is there an extension of the commands for the TED, please? i would like to switch to graphics mode, does that work with madpas? the memory for the graphic is then at 0x2000. thanks --------------- asm{ lda $ff06 ora #%00100000 sta $ff06 lda $ff07 ora #%00010000 sta $ff07 lda $ff12 ora #%00001000 sta $ff12 } ---------------
  13. Hi, Thank You. how do I bring this shell script in so that I can compile in win10? mp.exe raster_irq.pas .......?
  14. Hi good afternoon. i play with the plus4. how can you compile your pas programs for the plus4. how does the start header look like for a program with plus4? my madpascal runs under win10. Thank you.
  15. Hi good afternoon. i play with the plus4 and want to compile the madpascal demo. how is the madpascal called for the plus4? I have madpascal on win10. Thank you.
  16. Hi good afternoon. how are the two demo programs for the c64 compiled under windows. thanks. greeting
  17. hello , starfiled not funktion with k65 0.2.1 or win. greeting.
  18. my program always starts at $ 8000 and the screen is at $ 4000. if I have a simple dos-dsk, I can put the screen for $ 2000. greeting #pragma target(atarixl) #pragma emulator("65XEDebugger") #include <atari-xl.h> char* SCREEN = $4000; int zahl; void main() { *SDMCTL = 0x21; *SDLST = DISPLAY_LIST; for(zahl=0;zahl<3600;zahl++) { SCREEN[zahl]=129; } while (1) ; } char DISPLAY_LIST[] = { $70 , $70 , $70 , $4D , $00 , $40 , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $0D , $41 };
  19. Hi good afternoon. years ago i had tested the compy-ram 512kb in altirra. 7680 byte shifted to $4000 and switched. no further idea came to me to do something different. your idea is great from $4000 to $7fff use as a program. here is my simple demo of action! greeting MODULE BYTE ARRAY COMPY = [$23 $27 $2B $2F $63 $67 $6B $6F $61 $29 $65 $25 $69 $2D $6D $21 $A1 $A3 $A5 $A7 $A9 $AB $AD $AF $E1 $E3 $E5 $E7 $E9 $EB $ED $EF] PROC DELAY(CARD Z) CARD I FOR I=0 TO Z DO OD RETURN PROC MAIN () CARD SAVMSC=$58, CO, I BYTE C, K, CO1 CO=54017 GRAPHICS (24) COLOR=1 ZERO(SAVMSC,7680) PLOT(0,0) DRAWTO(159,95) C=PEEK(COMPY) POKE(CO,C) ZERO(16384,7680) MOVEBLOCK(16384,SAVMSC,7680) POKE(CO,253) ZERO(SAVMSC,7680) PLOT(159,0) DRAWTO(0,95) C=PEEK(COMPY+1) POKE(CO,C) ZERO(16384,7680) MOVEBLOCK(16384,SAVMSC,7680) POKE(CO,253) ZERO(SAVMSC,7680) DELAY(50000) DELAY(50000) C=PEEK(COMPY) POKE(CO,C) MOVEBLOCK (SAVMSC,16384,7680) POKE(CO,253) DELAY(50000) DELAY(50000) C=PEEK(COMPY+1) POKE(CO,C) MOVEBLOCK (SAVMSC,16384,7680) POKE(CO,253) DO OD RETURN
  20. hello, that's wonderful what you did with kickc. greeting
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