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Everything posted by masematte

  1. Wow Great Scores, shit, i have no time to Strike back, im on a Business -Tripp, but fair enough, i didnt have fun to Strike back if i Had time
  2. thank you for remember this, im so stupid.... i miss two games last time, cause i forget to used my Skunk ! grr
  3. I hope I had time next week, if not here my last score 28.933.670
  4. shit , i didnt know why but I shot the pic after the third ball, and then the game frozen..... 18.284.200
  5. 8538130 first try,.....good to see you guys
  6. @travistouchdown, i played on a real hardware, but i sell all my stuff in the last two years so i still have only lose carts from the original and dome cd's, and the free roms for the skunk. but it is okay , hope to collect enough points with the games i owned and again it is for the fun
  7. for me okay, is there no rom for Flying Shark and Loopz, then i miss only two games, that is not a big problem (i hope so) but we play downfall or downfall + ?cause i remember there are different with the points
  8. comgrats to Darrin9999 and travistouchdown , youre great, sorry guys but this HSC there was to much games, that i dent owned , but hey third place is good . see you next round
  9. sure one of the best car evver https://www.google.de/search?q=back+audio+quattro+s1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO19utr4HgAhWBZFAKHbJaBVIQsAR6BAgEEAE&biw=1920&bih=994
  10. this is one of my fan games, cool and relaxed okay here my first score 23067
  11. @karri @Ninjabba, when you are using DB , you must be very sporty :-)
  12. Ill Test it at the Ejagfest , and it is a lot of fun . The scrolling is superb, ans the controll is smooth The Game is cool and i hope to buy it next year at the Ejagfest
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