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About Nico

  • Birthday 06/06/1982

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    Atari Videogame Consoles

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Space Invader

Space Invader (2/9)



  1. Have you checked the basic? power supply, slot contacts, if you have a voltmeter you could measure that the chips have the correct voltage, if you have a scope or a frecuencimiter you could check the oscillator circuit and if you don't have one you could use an old shortwave radio... if all that is ok then I guess you have a broken IC.
  2. Here is the code and bin PONG.asm CONST.H.txt PONG.bin
  3. I tried this but it still doesn't work ;Collisions .collisions LDA #%01000000 BIT CXP0FB BVC .exit ; Exit if ball didn't hit P0 LDA #1 STA BallHDir ; Change direction if ball it hit P0 .exit STA CXCLR[/font] Its always branching to exit, is there any other thing I'm missing? like the objects priority or some stuff like that?
  4. I want to detect when I have a collision between Player 0 and the ball, is this the correct way of doing it? because it doesn't seem to work Bit 6 is used to detect collisions between Player and ball right? ; Collisions .collision LDA #%01000000 BIT CXP0FB BNE .exit ; Change direction .exit STA CXCLR
  5. ok, I'm going to do some reading to see how I can do this... thanks!
  6. Hi, I would like to add the score at the top of the screen just like Combat or Video Olimpics does. I guess I should use PF1 to acomplish this right? but I cant seem to get the kernel to work. This is what I have so far: LDY #SCORE_HEIGHT .scoreloop STA WSYNC LDX #AMBAR+5 TYA SEC SBC #SCORE_HEIGHT-10 CMP #20 BCC .drawnumber LDX #WHITE .drawnumber STX COLUBK DEY BNE .scoreloop LDA #GREEN STA COLUBK ; Playfield Backfround color LDY #SCREEN_LINES-SCORE_HEIGHT .screenloop STA WSYNC ; Ball vertical position LDX #%00000010 ; Set ball enable bit TYA ; Move line number to A SEC ; Set carry before subtracting SBC BallVPos ; Subtract ball start line CMP #BALL_HEIGHT ; Test if line is in [0, BALL_HEIGHT-1] BCC .enableball ; yes -> enable ball LDX #%00000000 ; no -> clear ball enable bit .enableball STX ENABL ; Player 0 vertical position LDX #PLAYER_GFX TYA SEC SBC P0VPos CMP #PLAYER_HEIGHT BCC .enableP0 LDX #0 .enableP0 STX GRP0 ; Player 1 vertical position LDX #PLAYER_GFX TYA SEC SBC P1VPos CMP #PLAYER_HEIGHT BCC .enableP1 LDX #0 .enableP1 STX GRP1 DEY BNE .screenloop Basicly its two loops, one for the score and the other one to draw the paddles and the ball, is this the correct way of doing it?
  7. Learning how to code for the A2600

  8. Hi, I've been working with my PONG game but now I have a problem. When I try to move the ball horizontaly, it also moves Player 1 horizontaly to the left and I can't figure out why... I found that when the "STA HMOVE" instruction is executed it modifies both the ball and the P1 horizontal position. Why could this be? PONG.asm CONST.H.txt
  9. Hi Joe, Thanks for the code its exactly what I was looking for. I'll try to understand how it works so that I can use it in my code. I have a couple of questions: what is the purpose of the word "SUBROUTINE" in this line HPosNoHMOVE: SUBROUTINE and also, I can't find this instruction sta.wx HMP0,x in the 6502 instruction set, what does it do?
  10. Hi all! I'm a bit new at this forum and I noticed a lot of great A2600 programmers here, so perhaps some of them might help me. I've started reading about the A2600 arquitecture (6507, TIA and RIOT) and I've understood most of them, I also made some simple examples using the playfield and player objects. My first goal at A2600 programming is to make a simple PONG like game but so far I havent been able to make any advances. I thought about dividing the game into 3 simple parts: 1- The score 2- The paddles 3- The ball I managed to create the 2 moving paddles but making the ball move both vertical and horizontal seems to be way more difficult than I thought. Can anyone give me some ideas how I can solve this? Thanks!
  11. Hi, I'm curious about what kind of computers the programmers used back in the day to program games for the Atari 2600, I've tried to search about this but all I could find was some small picture of a person using some kind of ancient computer or dumb terminal, maybe? I know they coded the program in a computer, compiled it and then burned the code in an EPROM and tested it in a real A2600, right?
  12. Yes, I've read all of them, I have downloaded a nice looking ROM that I want to use, it's the hardware mod that I'm having trouble with. I've attached the ROM, perhaps it needs to be modifyed for this project... Atari_Startup.bin
  13. Well, I'm ok with the electronics of the A2600, but I don't know much about programming it, I only know the very basics of programming it.
  14. I called the "internal ROM" to the EPROM chip that I was planning to install inside the A2600, this chip would have some Atari logo or something like that and every time you turn on the console it would show this logo for a couple of seconds and then it would start the cartridge program, and if there is no cartridge inserted the logo would stay on all the time.
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