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Everything posted by voltron

  1. well since it has a pass through in a sense LTO flash will work in KC
  2. Im looking at the kc, the cartridge port on the kc is connected to a flixible cable that has an end that plugs into the consoles cartridge slot. so its like a cartridge extension cord.
  3. It does have a port on the side. thats the size of a cart.
  4. just check its a cassette not cart
  5. I have one cart, let me check. I never looked at the cart, i still have it i the box it was shipped in.
  6. Same here i seen it somewhere. i think it may have been in deviantart
  7. How bout my keyboard component?
  8. Im personaly am not worry, the Patriot in me is, bc I see how polticians in both parties are destroying the country on an economic level. I moved my money abroad a few years back. and the last crisis, did not affect me like it did the majority of the nation. But .i dont think the Student loan debt crisis will be as nice... Few reasons, US citizens cant discharge the debt in court, so this debt lingers for the rest of your life, if they cant collect from you they ultimately can send the IRS after you for student loans. And now they have added a feature called parental contribution. .this is code for getting oarents to co sign on debt. So incase a kid defaults they have mom and pop to go after. This last election during the debates i was suprised no one picked up on both candidates promoting the status quo. .they were asked what are you going to do to curtail our expensive education system, both of them said I will work with banks to make it easier for you to get student LOANS so that you can afford to go to school... Easier to get a student loan, basically both candiates said i will make it easier for you to come out with massive debt when your done with school. The sad part is this is so obvious,b but special interest has too much control over politicians. Im not sure if many were aware but when They were trying to get congress to approve the bank bail out many politicians refused to approve the bail out unless they added a provision to remove propose plans to restrict student loans abuse by banks. Guess what the provisions were removed and the bail out was signed. So banks got away with two crimes, housing loan abuse and student loan abuse.
  9. Isnt it finally time you deleted that Crapleco brotherhood? No dual citizenships
  10. The illusion that we get it cars cheap is an illusion here is why. I personally dislike debt, as a result I dont finance cars. I buy it straight out. In The US there are many people driving car that are worth more than their annual salary, how are they able to get fancy car on a annual income thats a lot less, easy. The US hands out easy credit. Many US are i debt not understanding that they actually owe more than what the value of the car is bc they now added banking fees and charges on top of that and special insurance for the banks. So a large chunck of the nation lives on credit. And it extends to every sector not just cars. Wait for the big one, when student loan debt crisis hits...This will make the housing crisis look like a cakewalk. As for China, China sees the writting on the walls, and are shifting their currency reserves gradually to euros. They are also promoting their citiziens to save and buy gold. So China wanst to make sure they have assets on hand. Contrast to the US where our GDP is based on spending. IfmAmericans as a whole were to start saving, out economy would collapse, bc we create a situation we deficit spending is a must, but unfortunately it relies heavily on borrowed money. Again what will happen on the .day China says sorry your credit is no good. Thats why im left speechless when I hear US politicians say the fundamentals of the economy are strong, when its not, the fundamental of our economy is based on borrowing money, taxing more and spending more. or when politicians promote "growth" , when a politician in the US says growth its code for more spending, which means more debt. I agree many in the .States dont care, bc they can still get stuff "cheap" but watch everyone scream how could this have happened? when the sh!t hits the fan, and the US admitts its insolvent.
  11. Clarification was needed bc there were some skeptic, who wanted additional proof. Intellivison HiFi - my intellivision
  12. This is the reason why song thread is legit, Intellivision is mentioned.
  13. Its official now.... check out post 3380 that makes it an intellivision thread http://atariage.com/forums/topic/211187-song-game/page-136
  14. Intellivision - Calling Tokyo Now this is an official intellivision thread bc it discuss intellivision
  15. COD Im sure Joe will let us know when it will be ready for sale. The bright side, is boxes should be headed to LTO headquarters this week and the board are being manufactured.
  16. Yes the world is moving away from the Dollar, And eventually no one will lend us easy money, and we wont be able to print more because no one will want it. I personally think the US has been insolvement for sometime, but easy credit and the ability to print has masked this. But every year less and less nations trade in dollars. then you have the US passing its own mometary laws on other nations (Facta) and expect them to break their own laws to comply with IRS code, this will backfire and accelerate the rate at which other nations switch to a new currency. Sadly Americans dont see it and are easily distracted by the flavor of the day topic
  17. But you cant delay when they are available to the public, bc rumorhas it that cmart is planning to hoard them.
  18. I dont deny the existance of Craptari or crapleco, I just know they are crap
  19. i still want that evil box prototype. .and I still want a DZ signed box for my Carol, game.
  20. I hear this argument a lot. But this wont go on indefinite. China sees that too, that why they are shifting from the Dollar, thats why the Bric nations are shifting away from the dollar as well as many other nations. cutting off the US would destroy the global economy, so nations are gradually phasing it out. Remember we borrow money from China just to pay of our debt with them, how long do you think China will do this. There will be a point where they will want to declare themselves the worlds economic power. in a sense we are at "war" with China, not a military one but an economic and and we are losing.
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