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Everything posted by gekido_ken

  1. Is there a possible with an disassembling application?
  2. I apologize if this topic has already been discussed, but I couldn't find anything. I have a TI99/4A with NanoPEB, I would like to know if there is a way to convert the cartridge bin files into files usable in DSK via TID99dir. I've noticed that recent games like Pinball 99, Ghostbusters, etc. they are only in bin format and I would like to have the possibility of being able to load these games via NANO PEB.... Thanks everyone for the replies.
  3. Great variant of Invaders!!! Very funny! Great response of control! THANKS!!!
  4. One last observation. I noticed that compared to the arcade, if you hit the truck with the earth, there is no rebound. Also there is no yellow car. Are things possible to integrate in the final version? I ask because the game is gorgeous, and 98% compared to the arcade. I've joust made a videoreview (Italian language)
  5. Ok Mr. PeTeE, I've tryed DSK format on real TI99. When I use real cartridge Editor Assembler and Nanopeb all works fine, while if I use software version of EA loaded from DSK2, then option 5, DSK1.BNP, the game starts, but it crash at the end of 1st level...at check. I don't know in it is normal. Actually this is the report. Any way thanks for this present, the dsk format.
  6. GREAT!!!! WOW!!! One of the my prefered arcade!!! But! Mr. ......can it possible to have a version DSK or for NANO PEB? (EA or XB)
  7. Ok, I'm a donkey !!? .... and blind !! Everything works now! You were very kind and patient !!! Thank you so much!
  8. Make it!......no works...... ;(
  9. Ok Senior, I haven't got it! This is compressed source in XB256 I put here the file to load with classic99 TI-LEM
  10. OK, Senior, your routine works on XB 256, but remain the compiler problem.
  11. Thanks, Senior, I'll try and report here. But now I've another one problem. The compiled file go in crash, it show after some glitch the intro but in crash system and some color and char glitch, with random sprite too. Doesn't the compiler work with compress data in xb256?
  12. As I wrote in the topic, the game will eventually be compiled. However, the compression procedure is done with XB 256 by adding the line CALL COMPRESS (1) after the section that redefines the screen.
  13. I'm using XB256 in ISABELLA Package
  14. ELSE isn't supported on XB256
  15. Hi guys! I recently started an old project for TI99, TI-L.E.M. a conversion of the original game developed by Philsan for ATARI VCS. Recently I managed to develop a pseudo-random lunar soil generation system and an algorithm that identifies the ideal moon landing point. I also managed to compress the intro image, but I noticed that in this case I can't use the access to the VDP registers to turn off the video signal during the construction of the graphic and turn it back on at the end of it. https://youtu.be/bjuCckI7v80 The form in which the system normally works is this: REM DRAW MAP(S) 1420 CALL CLEAR 1423 CALL LOAD(14864,128) 1425 CALL LINK("SCREEN",-1391) 1430 RESTORE 900 1440 READ W,H,SC::CALL SCREEN(SC)::CALL CLEAR 1450 FOR Y=1 TO H 1460 FOR X=1 TO W 1470 READ CP::CALL VCHAR(Y,X,CP) 1480 NEXT X 1490 NEXT Y 1495 CALL LINK("SCREEN",-1327) 1500 CALL KEY(0,K,S)::IF S=0 THEN 1500 1510 END While in this form it does not work: 50 CALL LINK("SCRN2") 70 CALL LOAD(14864,128) 80 CALL LINK("SCREEN",-1391) 100 restore 30000 110 read a$ :: if a$="" then 2600 :: call link("CWRITE",a$) :: goto 110 120 CALL LINK("SCREEN",-1327) Ok master friends, someone can help me? Thanks
  16. I know that with XB256 it is possible to write and read in the VDP, in addition to being able to compress the graphics in a table, but I would need an example to understand how to do it.
  17. Hi guys! Information on creating software sprites. I designed these sprite tiles with the charset for the idea of ​​a game that I would like to create. Is it possible to save these sprite tiles on a memory area and then recall them at the moment without manually redrawing them each time in XB256 or RXB? Thanks
  18. Is there some memory address to use with Call Peek for to know sprite position, without use call position?
  19. Hi guys! I'm developing a little version of brekout for a contest in basic 4k, but....damn sprite! They have big control latency on CALL MOTION and CALL COINC. My quest are these: #1 is there a mode like CALL LOAD or similar to make better check collision? #2 is there a mode for check sprite position on character name table, like CALL GCHAR? THANKS.
  20. Great job!!! only....I can't ear any sound from game on Stella...... Why?
  21. That's all works....for now! Thanks to everybody! https://youtu.be/JrOzOLVGhkc
  23. This is the Magellan project. Let see on buttom left the charset and the "zones" This is the result on TI99 in XB256... ...and this is the code generated by Magellan... REM COLORSET DECLARATIONS 100 DATA -3,16,2,-2,2,16,-1,15,6,0,15,2,1,16,2,2,16,2,3,2,15,4,2,15 110 DATA 5,2,15,6,15,2,7,15,2,8,16,15,9,16,2,10,2,15,11,16,2,12,15,2 120 DATA 13,15,2,14,15,2,15,15,2,16,15,2,17,2,15,18,16,2 REM CHARACTER DATA 500 DATA 0,"EE484C484E000000",1,"FFFFFFFF0F0F0F0F",2,"F0F4F2F202023E20",3,"F0F4F2F2F2F2F2F2" 510 DATA 4,"0004030000000000",5,"2020E00000000000",6,"02423E0000000000",7,"08080C0A0C000000" 520 DATA 8,"7F3F1F0F07030100",9,"DF5F5FBF7FFFFFFF",10,"F1F7F3F7F7FFFFFF",11,"B7B7B7B7B1FFFFFF" 530 DATA 12,"B1B5B1B7B7FFFFFF",13,"1155157571FFFFFF",14,"F1F7F1FDF1FFFFFF",15,"B555115155FFFFFF" 540 DATA 16,"FF00FF0000000000",17,"0000000000000000",18,"0000000000000000",19,"0000000000000000" 550 DATA 20,"0000000000000000",21,"0000000000000000",22,"0000000000000000",23,"FF00FF0000000000" 560 DATA 24,"0000001000000000",25,"0000000001060B17",26,"0000007EC77FFFFF",27,"00000000C0F0E8E4" 570 DATA 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1450 FOR Y=1 TO H 1460 FOR X=1 TO W 1470 READ CP::CALL VCHAR(Y,X,CP) 1480 NEXT X 1490 NEXT Y 1500 CALL KEY(0,K,S)::IF S=0 THEN 1500 1510 END
  24. Magellan does nothing but export a listing for XB256 that defines the screen you designed, first defines the colorset, then the charset and applies everything through READ and DATA. I have always used Magellan but I have never used a massive use of the charset, so I have never detected this problem.
  25. I'm talking about XB256, not XB. In Atariage's resource for TI99, it is explicitly stated that with XB256 it is possible to redefine 256 characters in screen2, and 28 sprites from the redefinition of the charset in screen1. With Magellan set for XB256, the character sets are shown, each of 8, from L1 to L4, from 1 to 16 and from U1 to U12. When I go to redefine the characters in the "Ux" sets, they are not displayed with the new pattern but with the one corresponding to the one from 1 to 16, but with a reverse character.
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