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Everything posted by Schmutzpuppe

  1. Just took a look to your latest version. Great!
  2. And that's even counting the years the 7800 was officially supported. After the first year, there really wasn't as much interesting stuff in the works for the 7800 as there was this year. By the way, is Froggie still in the works? There isn't too much work left to finish Froggie but I currently have to much private business
  3. Press PAUSE twice in the title menu then you can select between TIA/Cartridge Pokey/XBoard Pokey.
  4. Wolfenstein run smooth with my 386/40 with tseng vga.
  5. There is a hidden screen, Hint enough? C'mon it's easy
  6. Nearly one year ago now... Anybody found the hidden screen?
  7. True it's not final but supports pokey (and tia) anyway. If sound doesn't work than your settings CC are wrong. For Prosystem use the a78 and not the bin file.
  8. Hi Walter, wenn Disk error erscheint H und dann 1 drücken, dann kannst du die Files auswählen. Nicht vergessen den Emu auf 128kb zu stellen sonst läuft Crownland nicht richtig.
  9. I don't know because I don't know the macro or even maria.h. What it does is simple. You enter a text, a palette number a label and a position then the tool displays a line you can copy & paste in your displaylist source. It looks like this ".byte <label,$60,>label,$f5,$10" for "Hello world", palette 7, adress "label" and postion $10. Sorry for responding so late but I started looking at 7800 programming again. Just so I'm clear...doesn't this do the same a the XHEADER macro in maria.h?
  10. Thanks for sharing. I like the note " code probably mostly sucks and is disorganized. It always starts out nice, but things go downhill from there :-)"
  11. Hi Carsten, unfortunately the 7800 has only 4k of RAM but of course it is possible to create a cartridge with a 32kb RAM chip. I don’t think that the emulators supports more than 16kb RAM but not sure about that. Serial communication isn’t possible with any of the emulators.
  12. So the only reason I have it inside a commando is for the bankswitch then? Yep. The only reason it used a "pokey" bankswitch for the CC2 was because there wasn't a non-Pokey 512K bankswitch file. http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?s...t&p=1232071 True, Tainted Love is only TIA. Multi Lock On demo uses Pokey.
  13. It's the way how byte values are assigend to letters. For Watkins it's 0=A, 1=B, 2=C etc.
  14. I think you can make a decent version in 160B mode which is basically the resolution of the c64 version. Trying to make it in 320 mode isn’t the way to go I guess.
  15. I really appreciate your effort but I think pokey can do better. I just listen to the c64 tune and it is so nice I really like to hear something like that on the good old xl. However please keep on going.
  16. Here is the latest version of Froggie with HSC support and a different (harder) game mode which is planned to be a second mode in the game. Maybe it's a bit too hard I have to figure out that. Only the first three levels are different in pattern the other are only different in speed (yet) Frogger.zip
  17. The A8 is really a good platform to start with. But you really have to invest some time to understand the 6502 it isn't done in a week if you never programmed assembler before.
  18. Frogger/ie is still in progress. I made some progress since the last public version but things are going on very slowly mainly because I am currently very busy with my job
  19. Thanks for sharing Eric. Personally I prefer a "static" dll because it's easier to handle and entries outside the visible area doesn't eat any cycles but I guess there are circumstances where you better use a more dynamic model.
  20. Hehe, my friend had one.I Think he was the only one in Germany who ever owned one As far as I know the oric was very common france.
  21. I was just thinking of the 8-Bit Ataris here. First time I saw one in my whole life was when we met in Karlsruhe (or Frankfurt?) The A8 ranked right behind the C64 and far before the ZX spectrum (which comes third IMHO). In our "regular store meetings" at Karstadt every Saturday we had a 50/50 situation between C64 and Atari XL users but in reality it was more about 80/20 I guess.
  22. Ich dachte immer das Sofortkauf nicht mehr funktioniert wenn auf den Artikel geboten wurde!? Das Angebot wurde übrigens entfernt, komisch. Sofort kaufen ist doch für 26,99! Na, vieleicht kaufe ich es mir, meins macht eh immer zicken...
  23. Lol Not really a mod player but you can convert a mod file with the raster music traker to rmt format (http://raster.infos.cz/atari/rmt/rmt.htm) Converted from a gif.
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