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Everything posted by mthompson

  1. Can you possibly just take the SD card out of the Pi and mount it on your computer’s desktop? Then you could manually copy your game files to the ROM directory on the card. Sometimes the direct approach is the easiest.
  2. The manuals and overlays are long gone. Your best bet is probably this forum or eBay to get a complete set of materials.
  3. Is the new management going to continue the "tech support" segments? Cmart's tips, tricks, and troubleshooting no doubt would be sorely missed by listeners who can't get their emulators and flashcarts working! 😂 Seriously, though, good luck guys, and thanks for keeping the podcast going!!
  4. https://www.ebay.com/itm/185937353547?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=KJEk9sY1RKe&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=eTyHBg_jSbS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. Any input starts the game, but what you press determines the skill level. The Read Me file that's part of the download explains it all.
  6. That ROM works. I downloaded it and ran both the .bin and .rom in jzIntv. That said, the borders seem to be a problem, as the text and graphics are overlapped by the black frame. But the game plays just fine for me.
  7. Google says it's here: https://pdroms.de/files/mattelelectronics-intellivision/
  8. Ah, I see. Sorry about that. Here's what's in the manual:
  9. There's no mystery. The fuel allotment and number of levels for each skill setting are in the manual.
  10. There are four skill settings. You use the disc to pick them on the title screen.
  11. Some of the ROMs floating around out there are bad. A playable ROM will be about 18k in size, and the roads on the map will be black when you start the game. Also, you will see two square cursors on the map when you first start (shown below). You can't play Land Battle without a manual. Otherwise, you won't even get started. It's not a bad game, but it requires two players. And overlays (@Humblejack designed the ones on the left; the ones on the right are from my manual for Rev's release). Here you go… Land Battle Instruction Manual.pdf
  12. Awesome gift! And congratulations, Hank, on the two-month anniversary. Everyone here is rooting for you. So glad that the news is good so far.
  13. I booked my room and flight yesterday! I'll be bringing some freebies for Brotherhood members who make it to the expo. Sorry, not the Sears manuals @the1hatman wants so badly. (Canadians are welcome to bring ketchup chips in lieu of payment. 😁 )
  14. Looks really nice. Small nit – as long as you're redesigning, use the small "v" in Intellivision.
  15. I'm glad it's not just me. I have an ancient IBM ThinkPad laying around. Maybe I'll try the drag-and-drop on that machine. Thanks, Steve.
  16. Is there a clear steo-by-step tutorial, or can someone write one, explaining how to use rom2bin and bin2rom? It drives me nuts that I can't do this for myself, but the MacOS command line just isn't my best friend.
  17. Here's a demo version that everyone can try out for themselves in jzIntv. It should answer any questions people might have about the game. Enjoy! Super_Pro_Pickleball_demo.zip
  18. Before anyone says "We're gonna need shirts," here you go: Available in 27 colors and 8 sizes. https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/41726354-intv-super-pro-pickleball
  19. Blue Sky Rangers has the Flashback overlay packs in its eBay store for $19.99. If anything, people buy Flashbacks for the controllers.
  20. If you have the chance to see a total eclipse, you won’t regret making the effort to witness one. It is truly, truly incredible to see a hole in the sky where the sun just was. Of course, one cloud can obscure the view, so hope for clear skies. PRGE is pretty cool too, though. 😎
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