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Everything posted by mthompson

  1. Game publishers use a variety of methods to let people know about new games coming for the Intellivision. Often they use multiple methods, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Some people much prefer one method over others, and some simply do not use one or more of the information sources on the internet. I thought it would be interesting to see what Intellivision game buyers think about this question, and maybe publishers can gain some useful information from the poll results. I hope the choices I listed cover all the possibilities. So vote if you've got an opinion. The poll will be open until the end of April.
  2. http://www.gooddealgames.com/inventory/Intellivision.html
  3. Number 6 is BurgerTime programmer Ray Kaestner. Number 4 looks like David Warhol. 3 is David Akers. 2 is Stephen Rooney. Number 5 might be Bill Fischer, who programmed and signed your copy of Space Hawk. 7 is probably Mike Minkoff.
  4. Before anyone makes a third skiing game, let's get a pickleball cartridge for Intellivision! 😎
  5. @DZ-Jay How do you feel about people selling things you created and making a huge profit when they haven't even opened the box and enjoyed the game? I've often wondered about that. I think it would bum me out.
  6. If you end up using the Intellivision logo font somewhere, there's a more accurate version of that available, if you want to try it out:
  7. Here is the original manual from 2014… And here is the 2016 version…
  8. Hey, if I read the new guidelines for the homebrew awards correctly, we should be in the middle of voting, with the goal of announcing the results at the end of February. Or did something change?
  9. Two excellent options are: http://www.2600-daptor.com/ and https://intellivision.us/interface.php
  10. I believe that any game I've helped with has mentioned ECS or Intellivoice features right on the back of the box and/or in the instruction manual.
  11. You are most certainly one of the good guys, Hank. All the best to you.
  12. The Intv II controller buttons don’t travel much at all. Very different from the original controllers.
  13. If you’re still tweaking the covers, Frankenstein’s Monster is the correct title for that game.
  14. If people are going to sit on it for the better part of a year, it doesn’t really matter if the box is headed across town or across the country. If you put your name on a list, please follow through.
  15. If you're going to lift the main logic board out of the console, be super careful with the ultra-fragile ribbon cable that connects it to the power supply board. Otherwise, you'll have something else that must be fixed.
  16. It's been bugging me for some time that the SF Intellivised font doesn't truly match the Intellivision logotype. So last month I worked to see what I could do about it. The result is a new and improved version: MT Intellivised. I'm posting here as a free download for anyone to use and enjoy. All of the letters and numbers are revised, and some are completely new. I've added several alternate characters to let you use either the Intellivision-style t, i, and v or stick with the font's small caps format. And I've included a lowercase g, j, and t plus an Intellivision-style w. There's now an @ symbol and the Euro and Pound symbols. As a bonus, eight sports figures from the games are also included. The Read Me.pdf explains all this and more. Here is a sample: Admittedly, this is probably a solution in search of a problem, but it was an interesting (if tedious) project. And it's ready to be released into the wild. So if you want a display font that matches the Intellivision logotype, may I suggest you try MT Intellivised? As someone famous once said, it's the closest thing to the real thing. 😉 MT Intellivised.zip
  17. Mine arrived today as well, even though I hadn’t received a shipping notice (which is fine). They were double boxed and padded and arrived in perfect shape. Very nice presentation! The included booklet looks really interesting. I’m happy and impressed, and I haven’t even tried them out yet. Thanks so much for making these.
  18. I don't get it. Why assemble and publish another list of modern releases and arbitrarily exclude some games but include others? If the point is to catalog Intellivision games sold in the last 20+ years so others can know the history and what may pop up for sale at some point, then all the physical releases should be there. Let's not split hairs (unless the game was sold only at the Hair Splitters Convention, in which case you might have a point). Blix – the first run in 2014 was 30 copies and then in 2019 it was bundled with Chocolate Mine and makes this list. It's already listed separately at IntellivisionRevolution.com so why the change of heart? Piggy Bank was a "cartridge in a baggie" release (no box), but it makes this list of games released CIB? Supposedly the box is the big deal, as some games are in the list multiple times for getting new boxes. • I do like that this list is chronological! 😀
  19. I thought I read that, even though the early boxes showed NFL Football as the pack-in game, Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack was substituted because of (a) a potential dispute with Atari over video game mechanics, and (b) having to pay royalties on a game bundled with every console sale. Why would they have included Electric Company Math Fun? Can someone clarify? Also, to me it sounds like a terrible idea for Mattel to bundle Math Fun with its new console. Poker & Blackjack was weak enough, but a kids’ math game? It’s bad enough that on top of the $280 price tag, buying an additional game or two with the console was pretty much a necessity. Math Fun would have struck my 22-year-old self as a throwaway. (Yeah, I know I’m dating myself.)
  20. I gave my UPCI a nasty static shock one winter day and wrote to David. He hooked me up with the right person, who replaced the fried chip and I was quickly back in business. I’m confident he’ll be able to help somehow. Do check to make sure none of the thin wires on the board have come loose. I’ve had that happen after handling it too much. If so, just solder them back in their holes. good luck
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