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Everything posted by MaPa

  1. You can enter your score by hand on the game HSC page after you log in.
  2. What poor sales mean and what would be good sales for you? I'm just curious how many was sold.
  3. More likely 4... one which is not visible in VBI.
  4. The ORA is bitwise operation not logical... the result in you example is 2 in accumulator.
  5. You need to setup two display lists (standard and extended RAM), one with no playfield data (empty dlist) and another with some playfield data, enable PMG, set GRAFx to fill PMG stripe on screen, set it's position that it will collide with the possible playfield data and then check collision register.
  6. Sure it is.. you have to program to display the question, get the user input and process it
  7. Simply ask the user Maybe it can be much easier but I would prepare some simple display list in extended RAM with DLI (in which set some flag that the DLI was run) and the same WITHOUT DLI in standard RAM at the same memory location. Set separate access for ANTIC to the extended RAM, enable DLI, wait one frame and check for the flag...
  8. LOL... as random pokey register is not random anyway, this discussion about "truly" random generating is a little bit "pointless" IMHO I can't think out some case, besides some mathematical exercises, where the small difference in randomness by using tables or so would be so noticeable that it would not be acceptable.
  9. Depends on emulator.. Altirra will do the same sequence, Atari800Win does not AFAIK and other I don't know.
  10. Yes, the data in RAM under OS ROM will remain regardless of switching ROM in/out. XBIOS is one executable binary file, but AFAIK you cant have one executable file with XBIOS+your program. XBIOS at run will load file defined in it's header, otherwise it will display some menu. And XBIOS can't create files or append to files. So if you want to save, you have to have prepared some file and you will "edit" it's content.
  11. Btw. the value stored into WSYNC does not matter, so you don't have to LDA #0 before, just STA/X/Y WSYNC.
  12. DATA values are just data values nothing more. It's up to you what ever you want to represent with it. It can be data for PMG objects, data for assembler routine used with USR etc. In this case the DATA values are just deltaX,deltaY pair which is added to current X,Y position according to joystick read value from register (value 5-15 therefore the READ from DATA stores in arrays SX,SY from index 5 up). For example the first two values are 1,1 so it means it will add 1 to X and 1 to Y which should be joystick right-down and if you look at corresponding values for STICK register, you will find that right-down is value 5 - as the first index where the DATAs are loaded.
  13. Probably just advice to waiting for vertical blank before you change DLIST pointer, so the VBL will not happen in between writing low and high byte of the pointer (in that case the DLIST will point to some "random" place and it would produce glitches for one frame or it can even crash AFAIK if DLIs are enabled).
  14. So where is your problem with the speed? What is slow?
  15. What speed do you want? As I see it.. most of the time (like 75%) it just waits in delay loop. Btw. the control response is really bad.
  16. The code from JAC! does not need the branch... clc lda a adc b tax lda a+1 adc b+1 cpx #1 sbc #0 sta c+1 dex stx c
  17. Finally uploaded.... damn 3 points to nice score P.S. the controls are sometimes unresponsive, I don't know if it's intended or not }maybe even caused by emulator, WIndows or keyboard) but to "turn" just a little it needs just to tap key most of the time, but sometimes it does not react and you need to hold the key for a while to react and turn the motorcycle.
  18. I'm unable to post hiscore... it wants some user/password, but the one which works to login to your site does not work for posting hiscore.
  19. The instruction 71,0,6 means LMS ANTIC mode 7 (71 is $47 - $40 is LMS instruction the 7 is in what mode it will be displayed - it's graphics mode 2 in basic I think) from address $600 (low byte first - 0, high byte next - 6). The display list simply shows individual lines at addresses $0, $100, $200 .... $a00, $b00.
  20. aaaaaaand? So it will be slower. That's the price for trying to run software intented for ATARI 8bit computers on other platforms Btw. I don't know how your code looks, but I assume it's unrolled, so you could have somtehing like this (alternating 2 variables instead of one in two consecutive pixels): lda (di),y sta eor_nibble2 ldy miny eor eor_nibble sta collumbuffer,y ... lda (di),y sta eor_nibble ldy miny eor eor_nibble2 sta collumbuffer,y
  21. And... ? Still don't get it, maybe I'm just dumb Just replace the LAX with lda (di),y & tax... Or you care about it being slower? Who cares Who has an ATARI computer will use your original code with LAX.. If anyone has some pseudo ATARI computer then it will be slower but he can run it in faster mode or not? I just don't care
  22. I don't understand what's the problem? I thought that every LAX can be turned into LDA & TAX, not just the first one
  23. But maybe one music for whole demo would be better, than different songs for different parts, just my opinion.
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